  • 學位論文


The Conceptual Discussion of Precipitation-Runoff Characteristics and Retention/Detention Response in The Watershed

指導教授 : 游景雲


隨著不斷擴大的都市化發展及氣候變遷,既有已完成之防洪設施已逐漸無法承納水道增加的水量,且傳統的工程性防洪設施也無法跟著增加的洪水量不斷加高,因此越來越多的國家開始提倡以綜合治水及從徑流源頭開始的暴雨管理方法來面對現在的水文環境。然而,很少有文獻可以為這些新穎的洪水管理方法提供可靠的理論基礎。因此本研究最初以數學褶積方法模擬降雨逕流過程,並根據計算結果提出流域中的逕流貢獻原則及在不同降雨條件下的出水口出流量解析解。再經由這些結果進一步提出洪水管理的概念性理論。總體來說,本論文經由研究以下主題來為具新思維的洪水管理方法提供根本的概念及理論: (1).逕流貢獻原則, (2).降雨逕流特性分析, (3).臨界降雨延時與出流管制策略擬定, (4). 滯蓄洪池的建議利用方法, (5). 以降低尖峰流量為目的流域整治方法。 根據本研究的結果,流域對逕流的貢獻法則實際上受到流域本身在等時線上的面積量與水流到達出水口的時間控制,而在放置滯洪池或蓄洪池時,降雨本身發生尖峰降水量的時間對防洪設施的效果影響巨大,因此在進行此類防洪設施的施行決策時應以當地流域的主要降雨類型做為優先考量重點。


With urbanization and climate change, the existing flood control facilities cannot manage the excess runoff as well as before. Therefore, the source-oriented flood abatement measure and integrated flood management have recently been promoted by many countries. However, only few studies can offer underling theories for these measures. Therefore, we first study the convolution method with instantaneous unit hydrographs (IUH) for the rainfall-runoff computation process to propose the runoff contribution concepts and then obtain the analytical solutions to resulting runoff under different rainstorm conditions. Through these results, we could propose conceptual theories of flood management in order to create a more effective way to utilize flood control facilities and renovate the watershed. To sum up, we investigated the conceptual theory of flood management by following topics: (1) the runoff contribution concept, (2) the rainfall-runoff characteristic analysis, (3) the critical storm duration and the runoff control strategy, (4) the implementation suggestion of the retention and detention to reduce the possible maximum flood discharge, and (5) the watershed improvement suggestion to reduce the possible maximum discharge during different events. According to our findings, the runoff contributed by specific watersheds is actually dependent on the amount of its area and the travel time to the outlet. Moreover, the effect of detention/retention basin relies heavily on the peak time of rainstorm, hence this parameter should be the priority consideration while making the implement decisions of these flood control facilities.


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