  • 學位論文


A study on the Paternal Involvement and Father-child Attachment in the Neo-immigrant and Taiwanese Child-rearing Families

指導教授 : 高碧霞


研究背景及目的:隨著社會的變遷,因經濟、文化、婚姻價值觀改變,使得台灣男性婚配對象轉向東南亞籍的女性,而上述經由婚姻關係所產生的家庭稱之為『新移民家庭』。父親在家庭有著舉足輕重的地位,新移民家庭更是以父親角色為家庭主軸,如能學習並了解父親參與親職及父子依附間的關係,進而提供這些父親學習的機會,將有助於新移民家庭父親執行角色的認識,也對這些新台灣之子日後在身心發展、社會行為及健康維持有深遠的影響。因此,本研究目的為比較台籍家庭和新移民家庭的差異,並瞭解新移民家庭中父親參與親職和父子依附關係的關聯性,並進一步與台籍家庭做比較。 研究方法:本研究運用混合方法(Mixed method design),以量性的橫斷式問卷調查為基礎,並輔以質性研究之訪談進行研究。研究工具係採用父職參與量表、父子依附量表於台籍家庭及新移民家庭各30位父親進行問卷調查,再追蹤6位新移民家庭父親進行半結構式深度訪談,以深入了解其育兒及生活經驗。 研究結果: 一、新移民家庭和台籍家庭在人口學上父親因素(父親年齡、年齡差異、父親職業、父親工作、父親教育程度)、配偶因素(配偶年齡、配偶教育程度)及家庭因素(配偶有無工作、家庭月收入)等項目有顯著的差異。新移民家庭的父親特質為:年齡較台籍父親年長、其教育程度及工作性質都屬於中下階級。在同樣養育六歲幼兒的條件下,新移民家庭的父親仍然比一般父親承受較多的家庭傳承壓力、經濟壓力,並且和外籍配偶間文化差異的磨合,在孩子出世後還需要肩負教養的責任等。 二、父職參與以滿分5分標準來看,在台籍家庭父親(mean=3.24)或是新移民家庭父親(mean=3.19)其投入程度皆偏高。父子依附以滿分標準4分來看,台籍家庭父親(mean=3.76)或是新移民家庭父親(mean=3.79)其父子依附的投入程度來看皆相當高。 三、父職參與的程度和父子依附關係在台籍家庭和新移民家庭的父親均沒有達到統計的顯著差異。新移民家庭父親在父職參與和父子依附達到顯著的相關性(r=.39, p < .05),而台籍家庭父親在父職參與和父子依附關係則無顯著相關性存在(r=.09, p > .05)。 四、新移民父親之質性分析可整理歸納出五個概念主軸:一、生命階段任務達成 二、磨合適應彼此生活 三、父親的喜悅和責任 四、經濟重擔一肩扛起 五、希望孩子健康長大。 討論與建議:本研究結果可在護理實務上可協助臨床醫護人員了解新移民家庭父親的獨特性、增加對家庭專業議題的知識,進而助於維持家庭的穩定並發揮其功能。而研究結果也可提供相關單位成立新移民家庭婚前諮詢小組,包括遺傳諮詢、疾病預防、心理調適、育兒知識及生育控制等,減少面對生活的不安與焦慮,最後也能增加醫護養成教育中在學校教育過程提供對跨文化護理的知識,使未來的醫護人員能具備此能力,進而提供更良好的護理服務品質。


新移民 父職參與 父子依附


Research background and goal: Along with society's vicissitude, the economical, cultural and the marital values change, causes Taiwan male getting married with the Southeast Asia nationality female. This kind of family is called 'The neo-immigrant families'. The father has the pivotal status in the family. The father is status particularly in the immigrant families. If we can learn and understand that the relationship between paternal Involvement and father-child attachment and provides the opportunity to these fathers, that will be helpful these neo-immigrant family’s fathers. And will improve next generation Taiwanese’s development, social behavior and the health maintenance. Therefore, the goal of research is compare Taiwan family’s father with the neo-immigrant family's father’s difference. Then understand that paternal Involvement and father-child attachment in the neo-immigrant family’s father, then further compare with the Taiwan family’s father. Findings: First of all, the neo-immigrant family’s father is difference from Taiwan family’s father. The father factor (father age, age difference, father occupation, father work, father education level), the spouse factor (spouse age, spouse education level) and the family factor (spouse work status, family monthly income) have significant difference between the neo-immigrant family's father and Taiwan family’s father. The neo-immigrant father have characteristic is: the older age, the lower education level and social economic status. Second, by the perfect score standard 5 points in the paternal Involvement questionnaire thorough paternal investment was found in neo-immigrant family’s father (mean=3.19) and Taiwan family’s father (mean=3.24). By the perfect score standard 4 points in father-child attachment questionnaire, thorough paternal investment was found in neo-immigrant family’s father (mean=3.79) and Taiwan family’s father (mean=3.76). Third, the paternal investment and father-child attachment have no significant difference in the neo-immigrant family’s father and the Taiwan family’s father. The paternal investment and father-child attachment in the neo-immigrant family’s father has significant correlation (r=.39, p < .05). Otherwise, the Taiwan family’s father has no significant correlation in paternal investment and father-child attachment (r=.09, p > .05). Fourth, qualitative research in the neo-immigrant family’s father may reorganize five concepts main axles: First, the life stage mission achievement; Two, to adapted difference life and culture with partner; Third, fathers joyful and a responsibility; Fourth, the family economical responsibility. Fifth, hopeful the child health grows up. Discussion and suggestion: The findings of this research can help the clinical staffs in the nursing practice to understand that the neo-immigrant family father's distinguish, improved the knowledge of family issues, and maintenance family stabilizing and function. The results might also provide the related units to establish the neo-immigrant family consultation including heredity consultation, disease prevention, birth control and mental support before they getting married. Finally, the findings can also provide the cross-cultural nursing knowledge to the nursing, medical students and medical staffs, and they will provide the better service quality in the future.


