  • 學位論文


Urban Evening Recreation Behavior in Yangmingshan

指導教授 : 林建元


隨著照明技術、政治型態與生活型態的轉變,夜間活動的時間不斷地延伸,加上休閒生活的意識抬頭,使得夜間遊憩在現代扮演著越來越重要的角色,特別在都市,夜間活動豐富度已列入城市觀光競爭力的評選指標。 陽明山地區遊憩資源豐富,在區位上緊鄰台北都會區,地形地勢亦深入人口密集地區,加上擁有高度的交通可及性,長久以來都是北台灣重要的觀光據點及台北都會區居民的不可或缺的休閒活動去處。又因為台北都會區為盆地地形,高度的落差加上城市燈火讓陽明山成為台北地區知名的夜景觀賞據點,加上溫泉等遊憩資源,讓夜間上陽明山成為台北市著名且別具特色的夜間活動。 本研究藉由問卷調查輔以現地踏勘的研究方法,分析陽明山地區夜間遊憩的遊客組成、遊憩行為特性、活動項目及空間分布等特性。希望對日後陽明山地區夜間遊憩的規劃與策略研究,提供基礎資料與建議。根據現地踏勘與問卷調查的結果,陽明山地區夜間遊憩的遊客屬性有以下幾點特質:18~29歲的學生族群為主要的遊客組成、遊客的來源現階段仍以大台北都會區為主。男女比雖然在遊客總數的相近,但性別在遊憩活動的地點和項目選擇有明顯的差異,這些差異也反應在遊憩行為如抵達時間、停留時間與消費金額的影響。在日夜間的比較遊客屬性的比較,夜間遊客的組成中學生比例較日間大幅提昇,而同遊對象中,夜間遊客中情侶組合所佔比例也較日間高,遊客的年齡分布趨勢較日間集中,高達92%的遊客落在18~29歲,因此整體遊客平均年齡較日間遊客低。 在活動內容方面,日間遊客以登山健行、踏青賞景為主要的活動項目,夜間遊客則以散步談心、觀賞夜景、驅車兜風等為主要活動,在活動地點的分佈上夜間較日間有明顯集中於特定地點的趨勢,且活動空間分布的屬性也因活動項目的差異也所不同。 關於夜間到訪陽明山地區的遊憩動機,增加夜間休閒活動的選擇獲得約94%的認同率,其次針對夜間環境特性的動機:氣候涼爽宜人、夜間環境的特殊氛圍及從事夜間限定活動均獲得80%以上的認同度。避開人潮、車潮與受限於可支配時間兩項則有60%左右的認同度,而學習夜間知識這項動機僅獲得約19%的認同度,顯示夜間環境特性為吸引遊客從事夜間遊憩活動的主要動機。 在遊憩設施服務經驗的調查諸顯示,休閒活動場所與餐飲商店的服務時間獲得80%以上的認同,但關於夜間活動空間照明、安全維護與管理、廁所設置及大眾運輸接駁等項目皆有佔約50%以上的遊客採取不認同的態度。顯示陽明山地夜間遊憩規劃有著必須改善的項目。 管理單位可參考研究結果中夜間遊客的族群、活動項目和空間分布特性,以及上述待改善的設施服務,針對陽明山地區夜間的遊憩發展的環境與策略做進一步的規劃。


With the development of new lighting equipment, different political situation and lifestyle, time of people’s recreation has been extending. Moreover, with the rising awareness of leisure activity, the evening recreation plays an important role in the modern life, especially in the city. A variety of nightlife has also become part of criteria of the city tourism competitiveness. Yangmingshan locates nearby the Taipei metropolitan, where people have a abundant of recreation resources and outstanding transport accessibility. For a long time, Yangmingshan has been not only a well-known representative tourist attraction in northern Taiwan but also a popular recreation place for residents in Taipei metropolitan. Taipei basin combining with natural and man-made environmental conditions makes overlooking night view from Yangmingshan become a distinctive nocturnal activity. This study focuses on analysis of the composition、recreation behavior and the activity spatial distribution characteristics of Yangmingshan evening tourists through questionnaires and field observation. According to the researching results, the characteristics are listed below: (1) The majority of the visitors are students who are highly educated 、living in the Taipei metropolitan and at the age of 18-29. (2) Although the total tourist number of men and female are similar, but gender plays a significant role in choosing activity and site. Besides, the behavior of recreation, such as expense amount, arrival and stay time has an effect on choosing various nightlife and place. As for the composition of daytime and nighttime tourists, the nighttime tourists proportion of student was significantly higher than daytime and the age distribution concentrated from 18 to 29 years old (92%). Thus, we can know the average age locates at young generation. The activities during the daytime include hiking and enjoying the scenery mountain view. On the other hand, tourists can talk a walk, watch the night scene, go for a drive at night time. The distribution of nighttime visitors is distributed like dots ;on the other hand, daytime visitors are scattered into linear or planar shape because of different kinds of activity. For the motivation of a evening recreation , more choices of leisure activities at night get about 94% recognition rate, followed by the environmental characteristics such as cool climate and pleasant night's special atmosphere which gets 80 % . To avoid the crowds, heavy traffic and time availability has 60%. Only 19% agree with acquiring knowledge of nightlife. The statistics displays that environmental characteristics is the main attraction of evening recreation in Yangmingshan. The experience from visitors for recreation facilities, hot spring resorts and restaurant operating hours and service obtain the recognition of more than 80%. However, more than 50% of the tourists unsatisfied with the lighting, security maintenance, restroom set up and public transportation. This indicates that the evening recreation facilities and services need to be improved The research outcomes can provide the authority basic information and direction to formulate evening recreation plan and strategies in Yangmingshan.


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