  • 學位論文


Community Development in Taiwan: A Case Study of Xinzhu County’s Newman Area

指導教授 : 邱榮舉


本研究 以「社區總體營造」為主軸,並選擇「內灣地區」做為個案研究區域。透過深度訪談之研究結果,分析內灣地區在社區總體營造過程中,公部門、社區總體營造團體與社區居民之互動模式,以及社區總體營造政策所產生之影響,並檢視內灣地區之社區總體營造是否具備「由下而上」、「自立自主」、「居民參與」、「永續發展」四原則。旨在了解內灣地區社區總體營造之歷程,及其所面臨之問題與困境,進而對未來發展方向提出具體建議。 本研究結果發現,內灣地區的社區總體營造影響有正面與負面,包涵經濟與文化層面,其正面效應以經濟層面為主,包括: 一、商業化帶來經濟收入提升:如店租收入、工作所得、土地與房價增值。 二、年輕人回流,替社區注入人力與活力 三、提升內灣知名度,有利發展觀光產業 文化層面包括: 一、地方特色文化館的經營:如內灣戲院、劉興欽漫畫發明館、林業展示館。 二、生態資源推廣:如螢火蟲、櫻花季、桐花祭。 三、彰顯客家文化:如客家創意美食、客家花布、客家創意產業等。 四、鐵道文化的保存與發揚 負面效應為: 一、商業掛帥,人心變的自利,不利公共事務推行 二、環境衝擊:如垃圾問題、噪音汙染、空氣污染、交通堵塞、違章 建築、攤販凌亂。 三、利益糾葛、派系鬥爭 四、地方意識被過度的商業化淡化,彼此分歧,難有共識 透過深度訪談後,歸納出六項內灣目前面臨之困境: 一、社區主體意識不足,外來文化破壞地方特色 二、街道景觀失序,聚落建築面臨更新困境 三、自然景觀面臨商業開發後所帶來的衝擊 四、企劃人才的不足 五、商圈經營缺乏永續發展理念 六、地方民間社團能量、文化事權分散,亟需整合 因此,內灣地區在未來發展之具體做法包括: 一、確立發展定位 二、結合鄰近生活圈,把規模擴大 三、公部門方面應: (一)發揮公權力,整合地方文化事權 (二)建立溝通平臺,鼓勵民眾參與 (三)發揮創意,尋找「藍海策略」 四、地方社區營造團體則必須: (一)放下本位成見,開啟合作對談 (二)維護街道整潔,美化商圈環境 (三)鎖定特色主題,彰顯內灣特色 (四)培養企畫人才,貫徹由下而上 透過深度訪談及檢視後發現,內灣目前之社區總體營造,雖尚未符合「由下而上」、「自立自主」、「居民參與」、「永續發展」四項原則,但亦不算失敗,而是尚在進行的過程中,內灣地區憑藉本身豐厚自然與人文資源,未來發展仍值得期待,另外,目前地方團體,與公部門已開始省思與尋求突破,內灣之社區總體營造正朝向「由下而上」、「自立自主」、「居民參與」、「永續發展」四原則邁進。


社區 社區總體營造 新竹縣 內灣


This study is focus on “Community development” and it uses the area,‘Nei-Wan’as the case study. T hrough many in-depth interviews and the result of the study, they analyze the interactive pattern between government departments, organizations of community departments and the area residents. The study also analyzes the influence brought by the policies of community development. Moreover, the study surveys if the community development of Nei-Wan is provided with the four principles; ‘From bottom to top’, ‘Support itself independently’, ‘Residents’paticipation’and ‘Sustainable development’. The purpose of this study is to understand the process of the community development of Nei-Wan and the issues, difficulties it faces. Furthermore, this study gives the specific proposal for the future development. The study found; there are positive and negative influences of community development in Nei-Wan. They include the aspects of economy and culture. The principal positive influence is the economy aspect. It includes: 1. Bring in more income by commercialization: such as, income of rent, work income and the increase value of land and houses. 2. Young people returning home bring more manpower and energy to the community. 3. Raising the popularity of Nei-Wan and helping developing the industry of tourism. The culture aspect: 1. The operation of the local culture exhibitions: such as, Nei-Wan Theater, Liu-Xing-Qin Comics creation exhibition and forestry exhibition. 2. To popularize biological resources: for instance, lightning bugs, cherry blossoms season and Tung blossom festival. 3. To manifest Hakka culture: such as, Hakkanese creative gourmet, Hakka floral cotton print and Hakka creative industries …etc. 4. The conservation and enhancement of railroad culture and history. The negative influence: 1. Business is the number one concern. People become selfish and it is not good for pushing public affairs. 2. Environment impact: like the issues of trash, noise pollution, air pollution, traffic congestion, illegal construction and venders clutter. 3. Entanglement of benefit and disagreement of sociality. 4. Local consciousness is weakened by over commercialization. The residents develop differences and have difficulty to build up the common view. Through the in-depth interviews, the study concludes six points of the difficulties that Nei-Wan are facing now. 1. Lack of Community main body consciousness and the local characteristics are destroyed by external culture. 2. The streets lose their order and the villages face the construction difficulty. 3. The nature faces the impact caused by commercial developments. 4. Lack of planning manpower. 5. The shopping district is lack of the idea of sustainable management. 6. The urgent integration between local organizations and cultural governance. Therefore, here are concrete procedures for Nei-Wan in the future, include: 1. Establishing the development position firmly 2. Integrating the near neighbor life circle and extend the scale. 3. Government departments should: (1) Bring governing authority and integrate local cultural governance. (2) Build up the platform of communication. (3) Use creation, and find the ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’. 4. The local construction organizations should: (1) Disregard prejudice and open the conversation about cooperation. (2) Maintain the cleanness of the streets and enhance the beauty of shopping environment. (3) Focus on the themes of specialties and manifest the character of Nei-Wan. (4) Train the planning manpower. Through the in-depth interviews and surveys, the study found that although Nei-Wan does not fit in with the four principals, ‘From bottom to top’, ‘Support itself independently’, ‘Residents’paticipation’and ‘Sustainable development’; yet not a failure case. In other words, it is working on this process. Nei-Wan relies on its rich nature, humanities resources and its development in the future is still expectable. On the other hand, local organizations and government departments have started to consider looking for breaking through the situation now. The community development of Nei-Wan is moving forward based on the four principles, ‘From bottom to top’, ‘Support itself independently’, ‘Residents’paticipation’and ‘Sustainable development’.


community community development Xinzhu county Neiwan


