  • 學位論文


How Generation Affects the Influence of China's Rise on Taiwanese State Identity

指導教授 : 張佑宗


本文旨在探討台灣民眾的國家認同是否會受到中國崛起的情境影響,出現短期的認同改變,並且進一步加入世代差異作為控制變項加以分析。本文使用實驗法(Experimentation),選擇三種中國崛起情境,「政治民主化」、「經濟發展」與「科技進步」作為實驗處置(experimental treatment)。世代差異方面選擇與台灣民主化階段同步作為劃分時間點,劃分年齡為12歲,1959年以前出生為「威權世代」,1959年至1975年為「自由化世代」,1975年以後出生為「民主化世代」。 研究結果發現,整體而言,以「政治民主化」情境效果最好,會驅使台灣民眾較為認同「台灣是中國的一部份」。在世代差異方面,民主化世代在接受「經濟發展」情境後,認同「一邊一國」的比例比起控制組明顯上升,自由化世代受到「政治民主化」情境後,支持「台灣是中國的一部份」比例明顯上升,而威權世代不論受到何種情境因素,其認同都呈現穩定,沒有發生顯著改變。這樣的結果顯示中國大陸長期以來的策略並未奏效,經濟效果並不若預期,若要改變台灣民眾的國家認同,中國大陸勢必要加強政治的民主化。


The purpose of this thesis is discussed whether Taiwanese people affected the influence of China's rise change their own state identity temporarily or not. And add generation difference as control variable for analysis. The thesis tries to employ experimental designs, and selects three situations of China’s rise as experimental treatments. They are respectively political democratization, economic development, and technological progress. How to categorize generation is another issue. Many studies categorize generations with major historical events in Taiwan, but most of these events are consistent with Democratization processes in Taiwan. Therefore, we adopt democratization processes in Taiwan as generation classification standard, and select 12 years old as divided age. In general, the evidences present that the effect of political democratization is significant, driving people to identify “Taiwan is a part of China” much more. As to generation difference, after giving situation of “economic in China is getting more developmental”, for democratization generation (born after 1975), the proportion of “There is one country on each side” is significantly increasing. Giving situation of “China will be democratized politically” otherwise primes the proportion of “Taiwan is a part of China” raised for liberalization generation (born during 1959-1975). Regarding authoritarian generation (born before 1959), no matter what kind of situation provided, they still maintain stable state identity, without any change. These results reveal that China’s long term strategy of unification doesn’t work. Chinese central government tried to influence Taiwanese people’s state identity via economic incentives, nonetheless Taiwanese people don’t accept it. Unless China will be democratized in one day, that could change Taiwanese people's state identity.


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王振寰,1993,〈台灣新政商關係的形成與政治轉型〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,14: 123-163。
江宜樺,1998,〈當前台灣國家認同論述之反省〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,29: 163-229。
