  • 學位論文


Strategic Adaptations by Foreign Retailers in Chinese Market: The Case of Walmart China

指導教授 : 陳厚銘


沃爾瑪前十幾年已經被稱為美國流行文化的主要部份之一。經過五十年的發展,沃爾瑪公司成為全球年度銷售最高的大型零售企業,同時也成為全球最大私人雇主。沃爾瑪公司所進行的供應鏈創新讓他普遍被認為整個零售業的推動引擎之一。沃爾瑪公司的成功歸回到山姆沃爾頓,沃爾瑪公司的創辦人。他不但透過十分努力以及主張不斷的成長的企圖心而且也因為勇敢地應用前所未有的運作創新而創造沃爾瑪的文化以及策略良好基礎。 在美國市場沃爾瑪早就被稱為整個產業的冠軍而且很顯然也得到顧客認同:每週平均有兩一名顧客來沃爾瑪購物。雖然如此,不過沃爾瑪仍希望能夠在美國持續成長他銷售額。它目前規劃兩個發展方向為:第一美國大都市,第二為虛擬商店。 與此同時,沃爾瑪也繼續擴張它海外業務。中國大陸也被指定為沃爾瑪關鍵市場。不過來自美國的沃爾瑪在進入中國大陸市場過程中也遭遇不少牽涉到文化差異或營業環境大不同的成長障礙。本文目的為描述沃爾瑪在中國大陸有進行哪一些策略以及營業模式調整,讓它更恰好滿足中國消費者所產生的需求。


The name Walmart has become iconic decades ago in United States. Walmart is world’s biggest retailer and private employer that in the course of its 50 year life has been pushing the pace of innovation in American retail industry. At the base of Walmart’s success there are ideas of restless growth and constant experiments that Sam Walton, company’s founder, has always stood by. In America, Walmart won almost everything that was there to win: the 200 mil-lion customers that visit Walmart each week is a viable proof of that. Still Walmart, always hungry for growth, is now trying to expand to the big American cities and online retail. Simultaneously, Walmart is transferring its values and know-how to foreign markets. One of them is China, the most populous country in the world that due to the ambitious growth over past 35 years allowed its citizens to taste the flavor of con-sumerism for the first time in the modern history. Nevertheless the cultural distance and economic differences between America and China are massive obstacle that for-eign retailers need to overcome to become successful in China. Walmart has been try-ing to find a way to convince Chinese consumers for 17-year now. This thesis attempts to describe the measures Walmart has undertaken in the process of adjusting its strategy and business model in Chinese market.


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