  • 學位論文


Problem-solving Coping Methods and Self-perceived Health during Menopause

指導教授 : 張玨


本研究之主要目的為探討婦女本身更年期時的自覺健康狀況,包括整體健康、整體情緒與整體社交生活,以及更年期婦女的問題解決因應方式與自覺健康的關係。研究方法採用次級資料分析,資料來源為「國民健康局九十二年台灣婦女更年期健康調查」之原始統計資料檔。研究對象包括40-60歲之更年期婦女共1142人。以描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立t檢定、單因子變異數分析及二元邏輯斯回歸進行分析。 研究結果發現:一、個人特質方面:以自然停經最多,教育程度多為國小以下,約半數為目前有工作者,且婚姻狀況以已婚或同居為主。二、更年期問題解決因應方式方面:以六種婦女的問題解決因應方式中,平均執行2.08種。三、自覺健康中的整體健康部分,35.6%的婦女認為整體健康「好」,20.8%認為「不好」;整體情緒有65.9%認為「穩定」;整體社交生活則有61.5%滿意。四、自覺健康中的整體健康、整體情緒、整體社交生活狀況三部分皆與更年期問題解決因應方式有關,且不論有無更年期症狀困擾、壓力與慢性病、賀爾蒙使用情形為何,問題解決因應方式越多,自覺健康就越好。五、更年期問題解決因應方式為自覺健康之預測因子,更年期問題解決因應方式越多,則婦女的整體健康越好、整體情緒越穩定、越滿意整體社交生活。 根據本研究結果建議實務上應促進婦女採行問題解決因應方式以度過更年期,且提供完整更年期資訊,賀爾蒙資訊應提供客觀的適用性與副作用說明,但更重要的是多元保健方式的介紹;未來研究上則可繼續發展適用國內婦女之問題解決因應方式問卷或量表。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the problem-solving coping methods of menopausal women and their self-perceived health, including integral health, integral emotions and integral social intercourse. Secondary data named ‘The survey of menopausal women’s health in Taiwan in 1993’ was analyzed in the study. The research subjects were 1142 menopausal women aged 40-60. Descriptive Statistics, Chi-Square, Independent T Test, ANOVA, and Logistic Regression were used to analyze the data. The results showed that: (1) The subjects’ characteristics: The study showed that women who hit menopause developmentally took up the most part of the research sample. Most women received education no more than elementary school. The study also showed that more than 50% women employed. In terms of marriage status, most women were married or cohabitated. (2) The problem-solving coping methods: The average number of the problem-solving coping methods of the menopausal women was 2.08. (3) The self-perceived health: 35.6 % of the women considered their integral health to be good, and 20.8 % of women considered their integral health to be bad. 65.9 % of the women considered their integral social emotions to be stable. 61.5% of the women considered their integral intercourse to be satisfied. (4) The three factors within the self-perceived health-integral health, integral emotions and integral social intercourse were all related to the problem-solving coping methods of the menopausal women. And no matter the women had difficulties in menopausal symptoms or not, or if they had pressure and chronic diseases, or if they used the hormone replacement therapy, the more ways of the problem-solving coping methods were, the better their self-perceived health was. (5) The problem-solving coping methods of the menopausal women were the predictor of the self-perceived health. The more variety of the problem-solving coping methods of the menopausal women had, the better the integral health of the menopausal women were; so were the integral emotions and the integral intercourse. The study recommended practically that menopausal women be encouraged to take the problem-solving coping methods to go through the menopausal stages. They should be informed completely with information of menopause, and hormone with objectively suitable use and the side-effect exposition. But most important of all was the introduction of the multi-diversified methods of health promotion. Future studies might want to explore or develop the suitable questionnaires or scales of the problem-solving coping methods for domestic women.


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