  • 學位論文


Urban Governmentality in an Indonesian Ethnic Gathering Place in Taipei

指導教授 : 畢恆達
共同指導教授 : 黃宗儀(Tsung-yi HUANG)


本論文選擇以台北車站旁的小印尼為田野地點,並嘗試從治理術(governmentality)角度,分析這個主要由跨國底層人口所組構成的社群地景,是如何在都市發展計畫不斷的台北車站周邊地區覓得這樣的精華地段,並在哪些力量下持存?文中各章分別由「區位政治」、「認同政治」與「空間監視」所共同呈現的治理術,理解小印尼置身於台灣都市空間結構中的存續邏輯與生存樣態。   研究方法以參與觀察為主、深度訪談為輔,進入當地店家、組織機構幫忙。   各章分析重點包括:在「區位政治」方面,我討論族裔飛地的萌生與區位方面的持存條件,我首先以「市場」、「區位」、「租隙」的概念討論小印尼所呈現的區位政治,由於過往的治理拉鋸而劃割出地方的政治地形,多重角色力量在推拉過程造成的時-空延遲效應,提供小印尼入駐的縫隙,發展出違逆於預設的都市治理章法的另類「違章建築」。   在「認同政治」方面,我以小印尼裡的族裔聚集地生態討論社會排除與凝聚、領域化與去領域是如何形成。透過小印尼裡時而廣納異己、時而展現排拒他者的不同場所經驗,重新思考族裔聚集地外在印象的領域化(territorialization)特質,或許是種動態而邊界開放的認同濾篩。   在空間監視方面,我藉由將媒體、網路blog、在地經驗等不同的再現文本並置分析,詮釋首都台北的城市經驗裡的底層與菁英跨國流動主義(transnationalism from below and above)。差異的跨國多元文化經驗接連在同一空間下轉譯並競逐進行空間書寫。媒體在這段治理術運作關係裡,成為關鍵的治理輔具,建構大眾認同治理地方秩序的社會同意;同時,警察權力量的進駐讓在地活動的人們「空間化」感知到「國家」,粉碎飛地主權易主之虛幻性。 最後,透過考察在小印尼裡生命政治與地緣政治的交疊作用,我以治理斷裂下的縫隙地點、磁極地點與槓桿效應,指出共構小印尼的存續邏輯的三個小印尼的空間特性。


This thesis focuses on an ethnic gathering place—the so called “Little Indonesia” under the process of glocalisation. Little Indonesia is right beside Taipei Main Station which has long played a strategic role in the urban development agenda of Taiwan’s capital city. Due to the flow of labor forces and transnational marriages, migrant workers and brides from Southeast Asia have emerged as significant groups in the city. Those people who are with the same ethnic identity yet different citizenship statuses have faced different dilemmas in the same gathering place. On the other hand, how the gathering place exists and has been represented in the city also reveals the dilemma of urban governance. To answer the main questions: “how Little Indonesia emerges, grows and exists,” participant observation as well as interviews with real estate developers, official governors and local organizations are employed. From the perspective of how governmentality works in between, this paper intends to reveal the existing urbanism in the ethnic gathering place by exploring three dimensions: its politics of location, identity politics, and spatial surveillance. Firstly, three factors contributing to the politics of location in Little Indonesia are proposed: market, location and rent gap. The political society has been shaped through past experiences of original residents and governance forces. The time-space delay effect has made this place a “governance leakage” surrounded by mega projects. This governance leakage has created an alternative urban development agenda for these Indonesian people who have been lacking promised basis of citizenship to settle their living right. Secondly, in the dimension of identity politics, how social exclusion/inclusion and (de)territorialization have been shaped is discussed. From experiences of different subjects, such as ethnic entrepreneurs or consumers with various ethnic backgrounds, the dynamic and flexible territory between Little Indonesia and the outside society can be discovered. As for the spatial surveillance part, different discourses constructed by media representation and local people in Little Indonesia are examined. Through juxtaposition of various texts such as media, blogs, and oral interviews, I have elaborated how transnationalism from below and above shows up in Taipei, in particular, how media comes as a critical tool of governmentality, for constructing the social consent of spatial order maintenance. In addition, police power as an all-pervasive surveillance mechanism surrounds people in Little Indonesia, meanwhile legitimizes and naturalizes the concrete but also virtual authority of the nation state over Little Indonesia. In the end, by unraveling the entangled relationship of bio-politics and geo-politics in Little Indonesia, I propose three spatial characteristics embedded in the ethnic gathering place—the leakage formed from governance failure, the magnetic site within both attraction and repulsion, and the leverage mechanism that keeps the site lively.


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