  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Peer Auto Insurance Claim Adjuster Experience And Compensation - A Case Study of A Property Insurance Company

指導教授 : 駱明慶


本文使用某產險公司102年度車險理賠資料, 比較有同業車險理賠經驗和公司自行培育之員工的績效差異。 將慰撫金作為被解釋變數, 同業經驗、年資、同業經驗與年資交乘項作為主要解釋變數, 並使用三種統計模型分析( 線性機率模型、Tobit 模型與多元迴歸模型)。實證結果發現, 同業經驗、年資為正向顯著關係與預期不符, 顯示有同業工作經驗與較資深 人員, 被指派處理傷勢較嚴重之案件。同業經驗與年資之交乘項係數為負向顯著關係與預期相符, 顯示有相關經驗且進入新公司時間越久, 績效表現比無同業經驗來得優異。


This article uses a 102 year auto insurance claims information of a property insurance company. There are differences in the performance of peer auto insurance claim adjuster experience and the performance of employees cultivated by the company. Using compensation as an explanatory variable. Industry experience, seniority, industry experience and seniority multiplied by item as the main explanatory vari- ables, ( Linear probability model, Tobit model and multiple regression model). The empirical results found that industry experience and seniority is positively significant and does not match expectations. Display previous work experience and more senior employee, was assigned to deal with more serious cases. The empirical results found that industry experience and seniority multiplied by item is negative significant and does match expectations. Show relevant experience and the longer it takes to enter a new company, Performance is better than no industry experience.


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