  • 學位論文


Fabrication and Applications of Organic Distributed Feedback Lasers

指導教授 : 吳忠幟


由於分佈回饋型有機雷射(Distributed feedback organic Lasers)可以作為有機感測器、光通訊、光譜學、整合光器件和生物領域的應用,近年來已經成為廣泛研究的主題。在本篇論文中,我們研究有機材料的分佈回饋型雷射之製程和特性,並討論該雷射的可能應用。 我們首先應用電子束顯影(EBL)方法和反應性離子蝕刻(RIE)方法來實現高品質的分佈回饋型共振腔。使用該分佈回饋型共振腔的T3 有機材料之有機雷射具有低雷射閾值。藉由分佈回饋型有機雷射參數的變化,雷射特性可以調變。 根據先前有關退火後之T3 薄膜中分子會重新排列方向的結果,我們利用由T3 分子重新排列所造成之分佈回饋型雷射的等效折射率變化特性,實現同一試片中,分佈回饋型雷射的雷射波長連續調變。此外我們應用能伸展或有彈性的基板,實現分佈回饋型有機雷射之發射波長調整。最後,我們應用寡聚芴薄膜來製造分佈回饋型有機雷射作為氧氣感測器。具有高感測度與快速的反應時間。


Distributed feedback organic lasers have been the subjects of intense investigation recently due to their applications in organic sensors, optical communications, spectroscopy, integrated optical devices, and biological areas. In this thesis, we investigate the process and the characteristics of organic distributed feedback lasers and discuss possible applications. We first employed electron beam lithography (EBL) and reactive ion etching (RIE) to realize the high-quality distributed feedback (DFB) resonant/cavity. The T3 organic laser utilizing this distributed feedback resonant/cavity exhibited low lasing threshold. The characteristics of lasing can be tuned by variations of distributed feedback parameters. Based on the earlier results of the molecular reoriention in T3 thin films by annealing, the effective refractive index of T3 distributed feedback laser can be tuned after T3 deposition by annealing. Employing such properties, we have also demonstrated continuous tuning of the lasing wavelength of a T3 distributed feedback laser within one sample. Besides, we also studied another approach to realize emission wavelength tuning of a distributed feedback organic laser within one sample by utilizing stretchable/elastic substrates. Employing such stretchable/elastic substrates, we have also demonstrated continuous tuning of the lasing wavelength of an organic distributed feedback laser within one sample. Finally, we employed the oligofluorene thin film to realize the distributed feedback organic laser for oxygen sensing. The material itself exhibits moderate sensitivity and fast response in this application. The sensitivity can be further enhanced using the T3 DFB laser structure.


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