  • 學位論文


Governance Model of Neo-Mass Movement:A Case of The March 18 Student Movement in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱華君 邱榮舉


本研究藉由318學運案例之探討,研究新形態群眾運動處置作為過程中各項群眾管理策略,藉以了解警方前、中、後期的管理應用能否有效處理衝突危機,危機的特性在其具形成階段性,雖然學理上要將318學運明顯切割成獨立幾個階段並不容易,但筆者將策略作為可分別從治理、危機管理、衝突管理三個面向相照應,以建立新形態群眾運動形模,並提出客觀建議,作為日後採行各種處置作為之參考,提升警方未來處理新形態群眾運動之能力。 研究目的包括評估檢討318學運各分期階段警政管理處置作為、解析我國新形態群眾運動特色、形態與結構以及建構未來新形態群眾運動治理模式,希冀藉此能完整論述新形態群眾運動之形貌,並達成新形態群眾運動治理的學用合一之期待。 在研究方法上主要係針對去(103)年318學運時,參與處理之318學運警方分區指揮官、公民暨學生團體領袖、新舊型媒體從業代表與學者專家作為訪談對象,探究其對相關處置作為之看法與衝突危機主觀認知,以探究318學運相關處置作為之成效與內涵。 在研究結果與結論方面,本研究指出新形態群眾運動以其社群網絡的發達、非暴力抗爭的成熟與多元性前後行為的變形三者為特徵。318學運前期行政面治理模式,本研究試圖以SARA模式分析新型態群眾運動出現後之執法方式,幫助警方分析318學運前期處理執法方式之問題。其結果為應以界定事發狀況分級判斷為第一考量、重新建構現場指揮官權力與責任為第二考量。而在318學運中期政治面治理模式,本研究就其政治面分析以哈伯瑪斯的後資本主義時期四大危機解構其所遭遇之問題並提出政策建議。318學運後期社會面治理模式,主要藉由賽局理論檢視警民關係並提出警民雙贏策略,做為未來警民互動參考。318學運之後續影響,考量研究架構中所作外部作為層面與內在衝突層面分類討論,故選定媒體問題、警察工會問題、相關法律爭點問題進行分析。 另由於本研究受限於研究資料取得不易,或因相關人與事件仍處於訴訟階段以及公開之資訊僅為實際情形之片段,無法窺探318學運之全貌難免造成研究盲點,故希冀待事件平息,相關追訴爭訟告一段落後,以本研究為基礎,納入其它相關因素之探討驗證,以及事件相關人能協助解構318學運全貌,以得到更具體的成果。


By the investigate about a case of the March 18 Student Movement, the strategies at management disposal strategy of mass movement with a new form, in order to understand the police management application of before, during and post what if can effectively deal with the crisis-conflict, the crisis in its specific characteristics forming stage, though it is not easy to significantly identify 318 student movement to separate stages in theory, but researcher will respectively take care of the policy about three phase from governance, crisis management, conflict management to create a new form of mass movement shaped model, and make objective recommendations as adopted for the various treatments in future reference, to enhance the ability of the police to handle new future form of the mass movement. Study objectives included assessment of the police manage and dispose of 318 student movement in various stages, analytical characteristics and shapes of mass movement with a new form, and structure a future governance model of a new form of mass movement, hoping to be able to take a full discussion of the shape of mass movement with a new form, and reached a expectation of learn to use about governance of mass movement with a new form. In research methods mainly toward interview subjects about 318 student movement, district police commander involved in the processing, Citizenship and student group leaders, representatives of both old and new media practitioners and scholars and experts, explore their view about related disposal and subjective perception of crisis-conflict, to explore its related disposal of the effectiveness and content of the 318 student movement. The findings and conclusions, the study pointed out that mass movement with a new form characterized its well-developed social networks, Diversity and maturity about nonviolent struggle, and deformation of behavior of before and after. Preliminary administrative faces governance model of 318 student movement, this study attempts to use SARA model to help analyze the problem 318 police enforcement approach pre-treatment of the student movement. As a result of the incident should be to define the classification status determined to be the first consideration, to reconstruct the commander’s authority and responsibility for the second consideration. Middle political faces governance model of 318 student movement, this study analyzed its political faces to deconstruct Habermas’ four crisis after capitalist period and make policy recommendations. Late social faces governance model of 318 student movement, mainly used game theory to view police-community relations and make win-win strategy, as the future interaction reference of police-community. The follow-up impact of 318 student movement, to consider the discussions about the external act the inherent conflict in study architecture, so selected media issues, police union issues, and issues related to the legal problem for analysis. In addition, because this study is limited by the difficulty in obtaining research data, the relevant people and events still in the stage of the proceedings, and the open information is only fragment of the actual situation, make it can not spy the whole picture on 318 student movement and cause blind spots. After the event be calm and related prosecution ended in this study hope that based on other relevant factors included in the discussion of verification, as well as relevant people can assist to return to the original condition of the picture of 318 student movement, to get a more concrete results.


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