  • 學位論文


Design the Specific Electric Control Code of Distributed System—an Application of Radio Frequency Identification Technology to Material Flow System

指導教授 : 連豊力


在過去,對於物流系統中的物件,大都採用人工的方式進行統計與管理。雖然隨著條碼的使用為企業帶來管理上的效益,但是仍存在許多的問題,例如:條碼解讀時所需要考量的方向性,或是條碼的磨損......等等。這些的問題造成許多物件追蹤或是資料的統計上諸多的缺點。 隨著電子晶片生產技術的進步,功能更為強大的無線射頻標籤將逐漸取代目前的條碼系統。但是要取代現行的條碼機制,首先必須解決的是現行各種應用於條碼上協定的整合與相容以達到管理與控制物流系統的目的。 本文提出一特定控制碼的設計準則,除了整合現行條碼資料所代表的資訊之外,並且可以擁有擴充的空間以應用於各式的物流系統中,進而幫助管理者利用射頻辨識技術達到更有效率的管理物流,以及實現分散式控制物流的加工情形。本文中利用一洗衣工場為例,將無線射頻標籤附加於加工線上的每一衣物,藉由特定控制碼的設計準則,我們對於物流系統可以做定性與定量方面的分析。在定性分析方面,我們可以有效地控制各衣物的正確處理程序;在定量分析方面,藉由存放在射頻辨識元件上的記錄資料,我們可以分析該衣物所被處理的時間是否符合標準作業程序。


Although the barcode systems have made a great deal of benefits for the inventory tracking and helped manage the flow in the material flow system. However, there are still several drawbacks in practical applications of barcode systems such as manual scanning the barcode for the reason of line-of-sight, abrasion on the surface of the barcode, limitation of data capacity. By new technological developments and decline in chip cost, a great deal of cheaper RFID tags will make a brand new revolution and replace the original barcode procedure. In order to manage and control the material flow systems by the RFID technology, it is necessary to integrate several different standards of barcode systems such as the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), the Universal Product Code (UPC), the Uniform Code Council (UCC), and the European Article Numbering (EAN) International. In this thesis, we propose a principle of designing the Specific Electric Control Code which not only integrates these standards but also supports more powerful functionalities for the applications with RFID technology to manage and control the material flow systems. By a case study for the washhouse, we perform the qualitative and quantitative analyses with the help of RFID technology. Qualitatively, we can control the logical correctness of each clothes processing. Quantitatively, we can track the processing history of each clothes, including the time and the location. By analyzing data, we can identify whether the clothes is processed well under the standard operational procedure.


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