  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship between Asthma Care Behavior and Health Beliefs among Care Givers of Children with Asthma in Community

指導教授 : 張媚


氣喘為兒童最常見的慢性疾病,影響層面包括生物、心理及家庭社會,也造成醫療及社會成本支出增加。學童身心發展未臻成熟,所需之氣喘照護有賴主要照顧者協助,本研究為瞭解社區中氣喘學童之主要照顧者其氣喘照護行為的現況,探討Becker健康信念模式中修正因素及健康信念與氣喘照護行為的關係,以及影響氣喘照護行為的重要預測因子。於民國94年4月14至94年5月11日,由台中市59所市立國小,採隨機抽樣方式抽取9所國小,其健康中心登記患有氣喘疾病學童之主要照顧者為研究對象,進行問卷調查,共199位主要照顧者完成問卷。 研究結果發現:(1)本研究氣喘學童多為男性,佔64.3%;平均年齡為9.85歲;74.88%在五歲以前發病;62.81%屬輕度氣喘;74.37%有使用氣喘藥物;39.2%接受另類療法。(2)本研究之主要照顧者女性多於男性,佔83.92%;平均年齡為39.45歲,以35-44歲居多,佔76.38%;91%為已婚;37.2%為高中職學歷;45.2%屬中社經地位;氣喘知識平均得分14.6分,標準化得分為73分,屬中等程度氣喘知識。(3)健康信念的平均得分134.39分,標準化得分為69.19分,屬正向健康信念。(4)氣喘照護行為的平均得分89.01分,標準化得分為68.47分,執行情形屬中上程度。(5)主要照顧者婚姻狀況及氣喘知識與照護行為有顯著相關,已婚、氣喘知識得分愈高,照護行為愈佳。(6)主要照顧者健康信念中,自覺行動利益與自覺行動障礙與照護行為有顯著正相關,自覺行動利益愈多,自覺行動障礙愈少,則照護行為愈佳(7)主要照顧者氣喘照護行為可由「修正因素」-婚姻狀況與氣喘知識及「健康信念」-自覺行動利益與自覺行動障礙等四個變項預測,共可解釋氣喘照護行為變異量之22.2%,其中氣喘知識為預測照護行為的重要因子。


Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. Its impacts cover biological, psychological, family, and social aspects, and result in rises in medical and social costs. School-age children at are not yet mature individuals; therefore asthmatic pupils rely mainly on caregivers to provide assistance with asthmatic care. In order to find out the current situation of how asthmatic care is being given to school-age pupils by their main caregivers in the community, this study sets out to investigate the correlations among modifying factors, health beliefs, and asthma care behaviors in Becker’s health belief model, as well as fundamental predictors that influence asthmatic care behaviors. Random samplings were conducted in the period from April 14th 2005 to May 11th 2005 on 59 municipal elementary schools in Taichung City, and questionnaires were given to the main caregivers (the research subjects of this study) of asthmatic pupils registered at the health center of 9 elementary schools in Taichung that these pupils go to. A total of 199 completed questionnaires were received. As the study reveals: (1) The proportion of boy pupils is higher (64.3%) than that of girl pupils, with a mean age of 9.85 years. 74.88% of the asthmatic pupils experienced their first asthma attack by the age of five. 62.81% are mild asthma patients. 74.37% take asthma medications while 39.2% receive alternative medicine. (2) The proportion of female main asthma caregivers is higher (83.92%) than that of male ones, with a mean age of 39.45 years. Most of the main caregivers are 35-44 years old (76.38%) and married (91%). 37.2% of them have received high school / vocational school education, while 45.2% belong to a middle social-economic status. The average score for asthma knowledge is 14.6, which equals to a standardized score of 73 and falls into a medium level of asthma knowledge. (3) The research subjects have an average score of 134.39 in health beliefs, which equals a standardized score of 69.19 and this indicates positive health beliefs. (4) The research subjects have an average score of 89.01 in asthma care behavior, which equals a standardized score of 68.47 and this indicates a middle-to-high level of caretaking. (5) The marital status and asthma knowledge of main caregivers are closely related to their caretaking behaviors. Married caregivers and caregivers who score high in asthma knowledge tend to demonstrate better behaviors in caretaking. (6) In terms of health beliefs, the main caregivers’ caretaking behaviors are positively correlated to their “perceived benefits to action” and “perceived barriers to actions.” The more the “perceived benefits to action” and the less “the perceived barriers to actions,” the better their caretaking behaviors. (7) Asthma care behaviors are predictable using four variants: modifying factors, including “marital status,” and “asthma knowledge”; and health beliefs, including “perceived benefits to action,” and “perceived barriers to actions.” These variants function to account for 22.2% of all asthma care behavior variances, while asthma knowledge stands out as a significant predictor in predicting caretaking behaviors. Key words: asthma care behavior; health beliefs; caregivers




