  • 學位論文


The Feeder Bus Network Design based on Green Transport Concept

指導教授 : 張學孔
共同指導教授 : 陳柏華(Albert Y. Chen)


本研究之目的係將環境成本與環境效益的理念納入接駁公車路網設計問題,其中環境成本的部分包含空氣汙染成本與噪音成本,而環境效益的概念為私用機動運具使用者移轉使用公共運輸,對環境所帶來的效益。本研究建構模式屬非線性公車接駁路網設計問題,延伸相關模式,透過二階段雙層規劃模式與基因演算法進行求解。本研究驗證二階段雙層規劃模式與基因演算法的可操作性,並發現二階段雙層規劃模式求解結果可能為局部最佳解,而透過站點調整的方式將結果進行改善;基因演算法是將原本求解車輛途徑問題之流程進行改良,應用於公車接駁網路設計問題。並透過小規模問題進行模式之驗證,確認其可行性,後應用於大規模之路網問題。 本研究以台南市推動的幹線公車為例,針台南至玉井綠線之接駁公路路網進行分析。以本研究建立之基因演算法進行求解。 求解結果顯示:營運成本與使用者成本約佔總成本37%與60%,環境成本的部分不超過2%,對公車支線路線優化的影響不大,而環境效益部分則隨著各站點需求量變動,當站點需求量越高時,搭乘接駁公車對環境所產生的效益就越高。因此,未來政策制定的方向應針對公共運輸行銷著手,吸引原本使用私用機動運具的乘客搭乘公共運輸工具。敏感度分析以環境效益參數對總成本影響最顯著,而服務頻率則以每站旅客數最顯著。


This study aims to establish and implememt the concept of green transport in the feeder bus transit system. The total cost in past research includes only operation cost and user cost. In this study, the total cost also includes environmental costs and environmental benefits. The environmental costs focus on air pollution cost and noise pollution cost. The concept of environmental benefits is the marginal cost of the private vehicle, so the environmental benefit is determined by the scale of private vehicles. This work aims to solve the nonlinear mix integer feeder bus network design problem. It is more complex than the vehicle routing problem, as the feeder bus network design problem needs to consider the service frequency in each route. The service frequency influences the operation cost and user cost, leading to different parameter in each route. To solve this problem the research uses two different methods: Two-stage Bi-level Programing and Genetic Algorithm. The author finds that the Two-stage Bi-level Programing will take great time and sometimes the solution is trapped in the local optimum. This study proposes a cross-insertion method to improve this situation. This method is to insert every station to different route to find the best solution. The Genetic Algorithm is to solve large-scale problems; as the Bi-level Programing takes great time to solve for large-scale problems.Results from both methos are more accurate than Kuah and Perl’s (1989) model. The green concept part of this work finds that the operation cost and user cost is about 37% and 60%, but the environmental cost is no more than 2%. It also suggests when the transfer passengers increase; the environmental benefit also increases. In the future the governmental policy should focus on attracting private vehicle users to take the public transit system.


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