  • 學位論文


A Study of the Urban Homeless—A Preliminary Analysis of the Coexistence between the Homeless and the Environment in Taipei

指導教授 : 劉可強


「骯髒」、「惡臭」、「懶惰」、「貧窮」、「犯罪」、「危險」…等負面的形象,是一般人對於『遊民』的普遍認知與觀感。然而,遊民真的大部分都是如此的樣貌嗎?還是說具有這些特質的遊民只是比較顯而易見,經常被報導出來而已。那到底遊民是一群什麼樣的人?他們生活在哪些地方?又是過著什麼樣的生活呢?本研究從2002年11月開始至2004年4月為止,共18個月的時間,長期的針對街頭、機構中的遊民進行全面的參與式觀察及訪談,試圖找出遊民與環境間的共生關係,將遊民與環境的互動關係解密,作為後續相關遊民研究的基礎。 研究發現,每一個遊民的背後都有一段歷史,而造成遊民走上街頭的原因,是各種問題(包括:經濟、個人、家庭及社會因素)錯綜複雜的交互影響之下所產生的結果,並不能全歸咎於遊民懶惰、不努力、不上進等污名式的片面印象。但現今的社會即是以帶有過濾器的眼光來看待、檢視遊民,濾過遊民好的、正面的表現,只看到遊民負面的地方,因而形成遊民的污名化現象;伴隨著污名化而來的更是一連串無止盡的驅逐與壓迫行動。那到底遊民在如此污名與壓迫的艱困環境中,他們又是如何的自處並與環境共生存呢? 第四、第五兩章,綜合在描述遊民是如何使用環境並存與環境共生。發現遊民對空間的需求與一般社會大眾並無不同之處,只是他們目前所生活的空間是與公共空間相重疊的,也就是他們住在公共空間中。他們以公共空間為住所,將住宅所提供的各種服務分散在各個空間中。在生活上,他們也找到了一套維持生存的方法,即是善用環境的資源來取得自己的生活所需。在公共空間中生活,他們累積了共同的生活經驗而發展出各自的生活方式,在人際的互動上也表現出關懷、互助的一面,在在均顯現遊民的空間性分析的重要意義。


Dirty, bad smelling, laziness, crime and danger are all the items for negative images. These are in general the viewpoints and feelings the public puts on the homeless. But do the homeless really show all these features? Or is it because the homeless with these features are obviously visible and are often reported by the media? However, what’s this special group, the homeless? Where do they live? What kind of life do they lead? This study, which started from November lasted for 18months 2002 to April 2004. Through participant observation and interviews, this study tried to find out the coexistence structure and to disclose the interaction between the homeless and the environment so as to be the basis for the next sequential studies. The study discovers that the homeless people have their own respective histories. Many reasons account for the homeless staying on the streets, including economy, personal, family and social factors. We couldn’t totally attribute this situation to the homeless’ laziness, not working hard and inactiveness. However, society tends to see the negative places and neglects their positive impression. Therefore, it forms the stigmatization of the homeless, often followed by a series of expulsion and forced removal. In reality, how do the homeless live and how do they coexist with the environment in this difficult environment? The fourth and fifth chapters, described how the homeless make use of the environment and how they coexist with it. Here an important finding is that the homeless have the same need for space as the ordinary people, but the only problem is where they live now is overlapped with the public space. That is, they live in the public space. The homeless make the public space their residence, and distributing all the equipment of the residence in the environment. The way they searched for a well maintained life is to efficiently utilize the resources of the environment. Living in the public space, the homeless together accumulate life experiences and individually develop many different kinds of life styles. In addition the homeless show their concern and help each other through the mutual interaction. The above findings all reveal the importance of spatial analysis of the homeless.


李媚媚、林季宜、鍾聿琳 ﹙2002﹚,〈萬華地區遊民的生活狀況與健康問題〉,《護理雜誌》,第49卷4期:p87-91。
Becker, H. & Geer, B.﹙1970﹚”Participant Observation and Interview: A Comparison. ” In W. J. Filstead﹙Ed.﹚ Qualitative Methodology, Chicago: Markham.


陳炫劭(2009)。與遊民對話 ─ 我為遊民作設計與遊民教我做設計〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2009.00643
