  • 學位論文


Who Lives with the In-Laws? Comparing Living Arrangements After Marriage in Taiwan and Japan

指導教授 : 蘇國賢


在傳統東亞社會中,婆媳之間的關係,是影響婚後兩代之間關係的重要因素。在現代社會裡,婚後的居住安排已經逐漸脫離傳統的規範(norm),是一種可以自由選擇的決定。不少日本學者提出重新找出現代的代間同住決策之影響因素的必要性。儘管在東亞現代化的過程中,朝向多元家庭發展的趨勢十分明顯,在日本兩代之間同住的現象已日漸稀少,但在台灣目前仍有二成的人口與上一代同住?哪些因素會影響台灣人在婚後與公婆同住的決策? 本研究採用「東亞社會階層與社會流動研究」(SSM)的資料,並利用邏輯式迴歸模型(logistic regression model)來比較台灣和日本媳婦與公婆同住的現象,受到哪些不同的因素影響。本研究考量的因素主要來自Tabuchi的同住需求理論,即從經濟層面與文化規範層面來比較同為儒教文化的台日社會,分析影響與公婆同住的決策因素。 結果顯示,由於台灣與日本的規範不同使得與公婆同住的現象在兩國有不同結果:在台灣因為有父母輪流與兒子同住的文化規範,所以在丈夫經濟能力不足、有學齡前小孩、丈夫兄弟人數較少的情況下,與公婆同住機率上升趨勢較明顯;而日本因為較強調妻子育兒責任與長子優先照顧父母的文化規範,在丈夫社經地位較低、丈夫為長子、丈夫兄弟人數較少的情況下,同住機率上升趨勢較明顯。研究發現台灣社會裡的代間同住比例不像日本一樣變低主要是因為:台灣代間家庭具有育兒功能。當年輕子代夫妻沒有經濟能力時能夠兩人一起出外賺錢,因為請婆婆幫忙照顧小孩在台灣社會是被接受的。


Historically, in traditional East Asian society, the relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter -in-law would be an important factor in determining the relationship of the two generations after marriage. In modern society, living arrangements after marriage have already deviated from traditional norms. The wife, husband, and the husband’s parents (or other relatives) are able to choose with whom to live, based on their individual needs. In modern East Asian, traditional norms is losing influence in the decision to live in a multigenerational home. Many Japanese scholars point out several important factors that affect living arrangement after marriage. In East Asia, there has been a clear tendency towards nuclear families. The multigenerational households is becoming increasingly scarce in Japan. In contrast, over 16 percent of the Taiwanese still live in a multigenerational household. What factors have influenced the decision of Taiwanese individuals to live with their in-laws after marriage? This study uses the data taken from the 2005 Social Stratification and Social Mobility (SSM) survey and uses the logistic regression model to analyze factors associated with the decision to live with the parents-in-laws. Based on Tabuchi’s theory of cohabitation needs, this study explores how economic status and cultural norms affect whether to live with parent-in-laws in two societies. Since Taiwanese and Japanese cultural norms differ the frequency of living together with one’s in-laws also differs in the two countries. In Taiwan, the cultural norm is for parents to take turns living with their children. If the husband has lower socioeconomic status, pre-school age children, or few brothers; the likelihood of living with his parents tends to be noticeably higher. In Japan, there are cultural norms such as women bearing responsibility for raising children and caring for one’s parents out of respect. If the husband’s socioeconomic status is lower, if he is the eldest son, or has few brothers the likelihood of living together increases considerably. Research finds that instances of multigenerational homes in Taiwanese society have not decreased as much as in Japan. This is primarily because Taiwan does not have the same expectation that wives should raise. The younger married generation cannot financially support themselves, so Taiwanese couples work and rely on the older generation to help care for the children at home.


