  • 學位論文


What makes the Community mobilization possible? A Comparative study on Anti-land expropriation protests in Wanbao and Dapu

指導教授 : 周桂田
共同指導教授 : 何明修




反徵收抗爭 灣寶 大埔 社區動員 網絡


In the recently years, Taiwan occurred seises of anti-land expropriation protest (ALEP) since the land expropriations were increasing fastly in the power of the state. Among those, Dapu and Wanbao are two typical cases both happened in Miaoli County at almost the same period. However, we found that during the processs of mobilization, Wanbao successfully mobilized most of the internal community resident while the other, Dapu in otherwised, losing the internal support and gradually relied on the external network support. Why the community mobilization becomes possible? We try to figure out the main reasons from these two cases so we separate two group of comparion objects, the first group comparion is Dapu Community and Wanbao Commuinty, the second one is Wanbao Self-Help Organization and Dapu Self-Help Organization. We compare the two cases top-down, including the economic structure, the pattern of land expropriation, network of the community and organization etc. The study shows that during the protest, the exsisted network matters. The Wanbao community networks based on a strong connection combine the daily interpersonal network and arigricultural interaction, besides it built up the multiple connections with the outside organizations. On the other hand, Dapu Self-Help Organization had to face with a more complicated community, highly heterogeneous, interest-orientative. The members of the association are highly differentiated with the others in terms of the economic source. As a result, the mobilization was hard to sustain within the community.


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