  • 學位論文


A Study on Crystal Industry Competitiveness in Japan:A Research of Technology Innovation on the Government-Industry-University Collaboration

指導教授 : 任燿廷


站上國際舞台後的企業,面臨全球化的競爭環境,研發能力與技術進步左右著企業是否能持續維持其在國際上的競爭優勢。單打獨鬥式的自社研發,所需的時間成本與資金投入對企業已是一大負擔,尤其是新技術的開發上,人才的培育、試產設備的資金投入、試作失敗的開發成本等,皆非一般中小型企業可以獨自承擔。如何跨越從研發階段到市場投入這段資金缺口的「死亡之谷」與研發成果是否可能創出新產業的「達爾文海」,已非企業個體可以獨力完成的任務。 八Ο年代以來,美國產官學合作的順利進行,是促使美日競爭力狀態逆轉的原因之一。日本歷經九Ο年代經濟泡沫化,經濟持續處於低迷的困境,為了強化企業的國際競爭力,並促進新產業的成長,產官學合作的重要性逐漸受到各企業的關注。日本政府在推動國家創新系統(NIS)轉型以來,產官學研合作更為密切。大學與研究機構所組成的高效率創新體系分布在日本各地,各機構充份發揮基礎教育的能量,徹底實現由模仿創新轉變為自主創新的目標。 本研究以日本石英元件產業應用MEMS技術突破小型化技術上的障礙為例,並以企業個案探討日本東北地區如何以原有之產業聚落之優勢,結合產官學力量發展MEMS產業化的創新作法,期以提供我國在發展新產業時一個參考模式。


For any corporation, who stands in the global market and face keen competition, the ability of research and development is the key to maintaining its competitive advantage. The traditional R&D method within the company might work before but became a big burden now for the same company. With the rapid development of modern technology, the time, the money, and the techniques involved in the R&D process might be so huge that it is beyond the ability of a single company. Every individual corporation is seeking an effective and powerful way to go through this valley of death, and to create a new industrial Darwinian Sea. In the 1980s, the competitiveness of America surpassed that of Japan, owing to the contribution of government-industry-university collaboration. Japan, on the other hand, going through the depression during the bubble economy, also started to put emphasis on the development of government-industry-university collaboration to enforce its international competitiveness. Their new project NIS, National Innovation System, enables the establishment of the intimate relationship between government, industries, and universities. This project also transforms Japan successfully from imitating to innovating. This research was based on a study on Japanese crystal industry, who is now applying a so-called MEMS method which involves the government-industry-university collaboration. And there was a successful study case given as an example. In this example, we could see how some industrial clusters in Northern Japan, with the help of MEMS, developed its unique advantage in competitiveness. And this could be a good model for our industries here in Taiwan.


1.OECD,National Innovation Systems, 1997, p.10
2.Porter M. E, “The Competitive Advantage of Nations,” New York: Free Press, 1990.
