  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Characterization of Biomimetic Iron Thiolate Complexes Containing Photosensitizers for Hydrogen Evolution

指導教授 : 謝忠宏
共同指導教授 : 江明錫(Ming-Hsi Chiang)


本論文主要探討鐵鐵氫化酵素,藉由化學合成方法來模擬目前已知的氫化酵素結構,以及結合光敏劑於仿氫化酵素之結構,在此合成含有光敏劑之結構[(u,k2-bdt-X)(u-PPh2)Fe2(CO)5] (X = 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridyl (1),4,4'-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridyl-ZnCl2 (2))。但在電化學研究中發現化合物被還原後有斷鍵的情形發生,並藉由紅外線光譜儀偵測還原反應,也證實此結果。為了解此鍵結,又合成不同衍生物之結構[(u,k2-bdt-X)(u-PPh2)Fe2(CO)5] (X = benzyl (3),hexyl (4)),經由電化學以及還原反應結果得知,化合物3還原後依舊會斷鍵,而化合物4則不會有此情形發生。由以上結果幫助了解如何修正結構,使光敏劑與仿氫化酵素結合之結構可以更加穩定,以達到光催化之目的。


[鐵鐵]氫化酵素 光敏劑


The synthesis and spectroscopic characterization as well as electrochemical study of diiron carbonyl dithiolate complexes, [(u,k2-bdt-X)(u-PPh2)Fe2(CO)5] (X = 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridyl (1) and 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridyl-ZnCl2 (2), benzyl (3), hexyl (4)) have been performedin this work. Electrochemistry of complexes 1-3reveals the formation of parent complex upon one electron reduction. This is confirmed by the chemical reduction reaction of complexes 1-3. This indicates that the rupture of S-C bond occurs when the species is reduced. Such phenomenon is not observed forcomplex 4.


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