  • 學位論文


Establishing an Integrated TRIZ and ANP Methods for Innovative Product Development Concepts Selection – Using Rear view Camera as an Example

指導教授 : 林長青


由於汽車產業的快速發展,屬於汽車電裝市場的應用也日新月異的增加,導致產品開發期被大量壓縮。因此企業必須不斷地推出更新產品或應用來滿足需求,以維持企業的競爭優勢。傳統的汽車後裝產業產品研發過程,缺少整合性的設計開發評估工具,尤其是在產品概念的創新思考較無具體工具得以應用,產品概念的評選也沒有明確的量化工具。因此,在此階段要如何去發展產品設計開發的規劃模式,同時整合客戶需求,並進行產品創新且選擇最佳的方案,將是本研究的動機與目的。 本研究利用二種方法的結合,包括TRIZ創新理論及分析網路程序法 (ANP),在產品設計開發的概念發展建立一套概念評選的程序模式。研究中首先將客戶的規格轉換成技術需求屬性;再以TRIZ作為產品設計時創新方法構思的依據;然後由TRIZ產生的創新概念方案,將目標及各準則屬性建立階層關係,同時考量各準則屬性之間的影響,展開成網路架構,以ANP法來進行產品概念的評選及決策。 本研究將以汽車後視攝影機設計的案例進行實證分析。驗證在產品設計與開發過程中,建立概念發展的評選流程模式,以提供研發人員作為相關的決策參考。


With the rapid development of automobile industry and the application for car electronics market is increasing and advancing by each passing day, the period of product development has been compressed massively. Therefore, companies must constantly launch the renewal product or application so that they can meet demands of market to maintain their competitive advantage. The product research and development period of traditional automotive industries lacks of integrated design and development tools of well evaluating, especially for the innovative thinking of the product concept as well as a quantitative meter which is applied to the selection of the product concept. Consequently at this stage, to develop the plan and pattern of the product design and development, integrate the actual needs of customers, execute the innovation of product and choose the best program will be the motivation and purpose of this study. This study adopts two research methods including TRIZ innovation theory and the Analytic Networking Process (ANP) to establish a selection pattern for the concept of product design and development. First, this research converts customer expected specification to technical demanding type. Second, it uses TRIZ as the basis of innovative meditating to create new concept during the stage of product development. Following with such concept program to set up the relationship among the goals and each principle by orders and consider the affection of each criterion to spread up a networking framework in the meantime. Finally, this study will progress the selection and decision making of product concept with ANP method. This study will take the design and development of car rear view camera as the case study to carry out the confirmatory analysis. Additionally, to verify the procedure of selection pattern during the process of the product design and development process so that it can provide R&D personnel the reference in decision making.


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陳靜儀(2013)。應用萃智(TRIZ)與階段性品質機能展開於創新產品研發—以AiO(All in One)個人電腦開發為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2013.00023
