  • 學位論文


A study on the consumer behavior model based on theory of planned behavior – A case study of consumer buying behavior has a mark of milk at milk products

指導教授 : 温博仕


鮮乳是自然界中最營養均衡的食品,過去幾十年來,在政府積極推廣國人飲用鮮乳且因經濟快速發展以至所得與生活水準增加的情況下,國人對於鮮乳的消費量開始逐年增加。然而,市售之鮮乳產品眾多,其中除了使用100%生乳製成的鮮乳外,亦不少使用乳粉沖泡之還原乳,造成消費者對鮮乳產品認知上的混淆及在選購鮮乳上的不便與遲疑。據此,本研究將應用計畫行為理論建立消費者購買具有鮮乳標章之鮮乳產品的行為關係模型,並加入食品安全與健康意識二項影響因素,以探討消費者與消費鮮乳產品之行為間的關係。 研究結果顯示:結合「食品安全」與「健康意識」二項構面以及計畫行為理論所建立之消費者購買具有鮮乳標章之鮮乳產品的行為關係模式於各項衡量指標上皆具不錯的適配度,且「食品安全」正向影響「態度」與「知覺行為控制」等兩因素;「健康意識」正向影響「態度」、「主觀規範」與「知覺行為控制」等三因素;「態度」、「主觀規範」與「知覺行為控制」等三因素亦皆正向影響「行為意圖」。 此外,在研究中亦發現,在「居住地區」、「性別」與「鮮乳標章」等群組上,對國產鮮乳消費者行為關係模式皆具有調節效果。其中,在「食品安全」對「態度」的路徑上,男性與有鮮乳標章等消費族群之調節效果具顯著性;在「食品安全」對「知覺行為控制」的路徑上,除了無鮮乳標章消費族群之調節效果不具顯著性之外,其餘皆顯著;在「健康意識」對「態度」的路徑上,新竹地區與女性等消費族群之調節效果具顯著性;在「健康意識」對「主觀規範」的路徑上,台北地區、女性與有鮮乳標章等消費族群之調節效果具顯著性;在「態度」對「行為意圖」的路徑上,除了無鮮乳標章消費族群之調節效果不具顯著性之外,其餘皆顯著;在「主觀規範」對「行為意圖」的路徑上,全部消費族群之調節效果皆具顯著性;在「知覺行為控制」對「行為意圖」的路徑上,台北地區與有鮮乳標章等消費族群之調節效果具顯著性。


Fresh milk is the most nutritionally balanced foods in nature, in the past decades, the government actively promoting people to drink milk and because of the rapid economic development of the case as well as income and living standards increasing, people began to increase every year for the consumption of fresh milk. However, a number of commercially available products of fresh milk, which in addition to 100% of raw milk were made of fresh milk, but also a lot of milk powder is made of reconstituted milk, causing consumer confusion on the milk product awareness and inconvenience and hesitation on the optional fresh milk. Accordingly, this study will apply theory of planned behavior model of consumer behavior to establish domestic fresh milk, and add food safety and health consciousness binomial factors, attempts to explore the relationship between consumers and fresh milk product consumption behavior. The results show:(1)The causal model of domestic milk consumer behavior was established combined with two factors,"food safety" and "health consciousness", and theory of planned behavior has goodness of fits and explanatory abilities. Therefore, “food safety” has positive effect on “attitude toward behavior” and “perceived behavioral control”. “Health consciousness” has positive effect on “attitude toward behavior”, “subjective norms” and “perceived behavioral control”. “Attitude toward behavior”, “subjective norms” and “perceived behavioral control” also has positive effect on “behavioral intention”.(2)The study also found that the “lived region” and “sex” of the consumer characteristics, “milk mark” of the product characteristics on the causal model with a significant regulates. Beside, the groups of “male” and “have milk mark” has effects respectively on the path of “food safety” unto “attitude toward behavior”; in addition to the groups of “do not have milk mark” has no effects on the path of “food safety” unto “perceived behavioral control”, the rest are significant; the groups of “Hsinchu” and “female” has effects respectively on the path of “health consciousness” unto “attitude toward behavior”; the groups of “Taipei” , “female” and “have milk mark” has effects respectively on the path of “health consciousness” unto “subjective norms”; in addition to the groups of “do not have milk mark” has no effects on the path of “attitude toward behavior” unto “behavioral intention”, the rest are significant; all the groups has effects respectively on the path of “subjective norms” unto “behavioral intention” ; the groups of “Taipei” and “have milk mark” has effects respectively on the path of “perceived behavioral control” unto “behavioral intention”.


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