  • 學位論文

不同家庭型態的夢想體驗 -以IKEA廣告與IKEA賣場為例

The Dream Experience of the Different Family Structures: An Example of IKEA Advertisement and IKEA Shopping Mall

指導教授 : 黃振家


IKEA在2012年的「IKEATaiwan打造夢想家」宣傳廣告,分別以兩人世界鄉村風小宅(一房型)、北歐現代風小家庭(三房型)、空間打造,輕鬆把家變漂亮為主題,利用廣告的教學和店面展示間的各種針對不同需求族群的擺設,創造讓消費者能直接跟商品互動,親自去感受每個產品或組合帶給自己的體驗,也可以從廣告中得到對於自己對家的想像跟靈感,依照自己的喜好和需求創造獨一無二的「夢想家」。 在過往的研究中比較著重消費者滿意程度和體驗價值,較少結合廣告行銷方面來探討對消費者的影響,所以,本研究想透過2012的「IKEATaiwan打造夢想家」系列廣告中分析研究,去了解企業品牌如何運用廣告和實體空間跟特地族群進行溝通NULL以及利用深度訪談法去了解這些不同生活型態的族群(單身、夫妻兩人和育有小孩)透過這些特別的展示間體驗後,消費者擁有何種體驗和感受? 研究發現不同家庭型態的消費者對於廣告的感受有所差異;而在實體展示間體驗方面,在感官體驗部份,夫妻兩人的家庭型態的消費者較重視展示空間,而育有一子得家庭型態消費者則較注重兒童展示間;在情感體驗方便,不同的家庭型態消費者都會因空間的氛圍,進而提高對IKEA品牌的形象;另外在DIY體驗方面,則發現台灣消費者普遍接受DIY這個概念,但在行動上,意願卻沒有很高;最後關聯體驗部份,發現家庭型態對於生活風格的塑造沒有直接關係,而在社群經驗分享上有所不同。


體驗行銷 家庭型態


From IKEA 2012 「IKEA Taiwan the dream house maker」advertisement series, they use country Style, modern style conceptual living pattern to communicate with the target customers, and pass the image of 「IKEA can help you make the one and the only sweet sweet home」by demonstrate the goods in show rooms . I found that there were few researches of the correlation between advertisement and customers. So I would like to study the symbolic interactions from the show rooms and advertisement images which IKEA desires to pass, will effects to the target customers in how and what ways. Hopefully, through interviewing the three target groups, can let us learn how the brand makers use their demonstration to promote their good successfully and accepted by the targets. After researching, we can find that the different family background of every customer felt differently to the same advertisement. About sensation experience, we can find that the small family contributed by husband and wife pays more attention to the show room, and small family with one child will treat the children space as a big matter. About emotion experience, each type of family pays their attention in different place.About DIY experience, this study finds that Taiwanese customer accepts this concept, but has weak motivation to DIY. Finally, according to Related experience, we can find that there is a weak link between family type and the life style.


胡光夏(2000)。《依賴理論與國際廣告的在審思:從依賴到匯合NULL 》,「中華傳播學會2000年暨論文研討會」論文。台北,深坑世新會館。


