  • 學位論文


Action research for promoting Flipped Education – a case study of Christ's College Taipei

指導教授 : 林信成


翻轉教育的目的是將學習主導權歸回學生的作法,其核心思維是為了找回學習的本質,改變傳統教室「以教師為中心」,轉換為「以學生學習為中心」的教學模式,典型的翻轉教育作法指的是將傳統課室教學中教師講課,學生聽課的單向授課方式,改為在家觀看影片預習,課堂中互動式討論學習,廣義來說,翻轉教育的目的是翻轉「教師教學」及「學生學習」的觀念與做法。 研究者配合臺北基督學院政策利用數位學習及資訊工具推行翻轉教育,結合數位學習及翻轉教育優勢,創新教學模式並提升教學品質,在推行過程中研究者探討校方所面臨的困境尋求解決方案,釐清翻轉教育意涵,擬定推行翻轉教育方案,引導並協助教師利用資訊科技工具將數位學習融入翻轉教育,評估推行翻轉教育的實施成效,並於實施過程中進行本研究。 本研究採「行動研究法」並輔以「觀察法」及「深度訪談法」進行研究,研究者將行動研究分為三個階段依循計畫(Plan)、執行(Act)、觀察(Observe)、反思(Reflect)步驟進行,第一階段為「前置暨宣導」、第二階段為「翻轉教育實施」、第三階段為「翻轉教育推行成效」,研究過程中透過PAOR循環找出問題,尋求解決或改善的方法,此外,研究者以觀察法記錄教師翻轉教育實施過程,以深度訪談了解教師實施翻轉教育時所面臨的問題、心得與實施成效。


The goal of practicing Flipped Education is to direct education in the classroom from teacher-centered to student-centered. The core value of this practice is to look for the essence of learning. The typical Flipped Education is to switch what used to happen in the classroom which involved teachers lecturing and students listening, to students watching teachers’ lectures at home and increase their interaction with teachers and peers through discussions in class. The broader meaning of Flipped Education is to change teachers’ teaching and students’ learning methods. The researcher works with Christ’s College Taipei promoting E-learning and the use of technology to encourage Flipped Education with the goal of providing creative teaching methods to improve teaching quality. During the promoting process, the researcher explored the difficulties the college faced, searched for solutions, clarified the meaning of Flipped Education, set up educational plans, guided and assisted teachers carrying out E-learning through the use of technology, evaluated the outcomes of promoting such education methods, and carried out this research. This is an action research aided with observation method and in-depth interview. The research is divided into three stages and follows four steps. The three stages are Preparation and Promotion, Practicing Flipped Education, and Evaluating the outcome of Flipped Education. The four steps are Planning, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting (PAOR). During the research process, the researcher located problems, sought for solutions or improved the methods used through PAOR. The researcher also observed and recorded the process of teachers who practiced Flipped Education. The researcher also conducted in-depth interviews with those teachers to understand the difficulties they faced, their reflections on their practice, and the outcomes of their practice.


Flipped Education e-Learning Action research


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李海碩、周倩。「臺灣開放式課程發展歷程、特色與影響之初探:以交通大學開放式課程為例」。大學圖書館17卷,1期(2013年):22-42。doi: 10.6146/univj.17-1.02。
