  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Globalization Approaches of Information Technology Solutions Providers in the U.S. and in Taiwan: The Cases of DELL, HP, ACER and ASUS

指導教授 : 尤本立


本文藉由比較美國及台灣資訊科技解決方案供應商不同的全球化模式,以1.核心競爭力2.製造全球化模式3.行銷全球化模式4.組織整合能力等四個構面,探討戴爾、惠普、宏?痐庰媞茧孕|個個案,比較其全球化模式的優勢與特點,希望能提供學界及業界參考。 美國與台灣資訊科技解決方案供應商因本國市場的大小與成長潛力不同,因而在企業進行全球化的過程中,產生了不同的進入策略。從內銷市場規模分析,一旦企業所在當地市場規模比較龐大,對企業推動自有品牌相對有利。以美國企業戴爾及惠普為例,由於美國內銷市場規模大,在美國成為領先品牌後,要進一步進軍全球市場,相對來說較為容易。至於台灣企業發展品牌時,因為台灣內銷市場的規模不大,對有意推動自有品牌的企業而言,沒有足夠的國內市場可以撐起足夠的經濟規模,因此必須以全球為市場,比起美國企業更需要積極採取全球化策略。然而品牌行銷是有別於製造的專業,台灣企業雖以代工製造著長,以殺價及降低成本製造的「競爭結構」,雖造就了企業生存發展的機會,但這對自有品牌的推廣助力不大,自有品牌企業如宏?痐庰媞茈蕞n極的朝微笑曲線右邊的行銷發展,集中精力在附加價值更高的品牌經營與科技服務業,台灣企業必須在全球競爭的浪潮中找到對的營運模式方能獲利。 在研究四個個案後,本文發現美國及台灣企業在進行全球化時,符合義普(Geroge S. Yip)教授在《全球經營策略》(Total Global Strategy) 書中所闡述的全球經營概念與完全滿足一個市場的觀念是不同的,因此必須以全球整合來建構一個整體的全球策略。在尋求地區優勢以及獲得全球營運的經濟效率方面,也符合庫倫 (John B. Cullen) 及帕伯狄愛 (K. Praveen Parboteeah) 兩位教授在《國際企業管理》(Multinational Management) 書中所提的地區性優勢乃指跨國公司將其價值鍊的活動,如製造、研發、與銷售分散至其他更好或更便宜的地區。就全球競爭而言,廠商不只需要尋求有潛力的市場,更必須找到其「全球舞台」,以展現最好的價值鏈活動。同時採取國際策略的廠商會嘗試在世界各地銷售全球性產品並採取相似的行銷手法。而為了適應當地的顧客或文化差異,可能會對產品和行銷策略作一些微小的修改。 而在全球化潮流的影響下,使得國家與政府的決策力與影響力減低,跨國企業的影響力正逐漸增大。雖然企業是國家經濟發展的命脈,但為了追求成長,企業往往對自然環境過度需求,造成地球上許多生態失衡的危機,因此國際間要求跨國企業承擔起環境、道德及社會責任的聲浪遂與日俱增,重視環保與致力於成為企業公民也是本文四個個案企業文化的一部分。展望未來,企業要永續生存發展,除了降低成本外,更重要的是要能培育人才並善用全球人力、物力資源,方能創造價值、創意行銷、進而創新整合,提供企業源源不絕的競爭力,而要成為負責任且受人尊敬的企業,企業公民是未來不可或缺的企業發展重點方向。


This thesis focuses on a comparative study of Globalization Approaches of Information Technology Solutions Providers in the U.S. and in Taiwan from the following four aspects: Core competence, Manufacture globalization driver, Market globalization driver and Ability of organizational integration and transformation. Furthermore, this research compares the cases of Dell, HP, Acer and ASUS to analyze their advantages and the outstanding business and globalization approach. Regarding this research, I hope it could be a useful reference for academic and business studies of Information Technology Industry. The Information Technology Solutions Providers in the U.S. and in Taiwan have distinct globalization approach due to the big difference of domestic market capacity and the business growing potential. In the domestic market analysis, if the company has larger scale at local market, it has more benefits to boost its own brand. For instance, Dell and HP have large domestic market and thus it’s easier to enter global market once becoming leading brands in the U.S. As for Taiwan companies which would like to promote their own brands, they face the difficulties of small domestic market issue that is not sufficient to sustain cost-effective economic scale. Therefore, Taiwan enterprises must extend the Globalization Strategy more aggressively than the U.S. enterprises. However, brand marketing is totally different from manufacturing. Although Taiwan enterprises are good at OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture), ODM (Original Design Manufacture), and EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Service), the competitive structure by creating lower cost and killing price gives them opportunities to survive, it’s still not a useful approach for brand marketing and making larger profits. Thus, Acer and ASUS are actively going forward to the right side as marketing of the smiling curve and focusing on higher value added portion as brand management and information technology service providers. In order to earn more profits, Taiwan enterprises must practice the practical globalization approach among the rapid changing business waves of global rivals. As a result, the research found that the globalization approaches of the U.S. and Taiwan enterprises are different such as global management and implementing a regional strategy that are correspondent to the Total Global Strategy written by Prof. George S. Yip. Therefore, each of them has to make a whole global strategy by multinational integration. And in the aspect of seeking regional advantages and getting global operation efficiency, the four cases meet the competitive advantages in value chain approach mentioned in Multinational Management by Prof. John B. Cullen and Prof. K. Praveen Parboteeah such as manufacturing, researching and developing, and marketing among low cost but high profit and efficient region. For global competitiveness, companies not only seeking for potential market but also practicing their “Global Stage” to accomplish the best value chain activities. Meanwhile, enterprises applying global strategy will market worldwide with Global brand but local touch to meet the need of the local market. In addition, globalization decreases the power of policy and decision making by government but increases the influence of global enterprises. Though enterprises are fundamentals of economic development to every country, they often over- consume the natural resources and cause the unbalance ecological crisis instead. Therefore, more and more organizations request overseas companies to take more responsibility of natural environment, ethics and society. Environmental protection and corporate citizenship are both the essential elements of the company culture among these four cases. In the coming future for long term business development, it’s more important for enterprise to invest on employees and make good use of global human and material resources than to lower cost. And thus, the companies can create continuous competitiveness by innovation and integration. Furthermore, to become a responsible and respectable company, corporate citizenship is indeed an essential priority for further enterprise development.


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