  • 學位論文


Safe and Smooth Robotic Path Planning: A Large Margin SVM Embedded Approach

指導教授 : 楊智旭 楊棧雲




The paper presents a new model merging Voronoi tessellation with the optimization of support vector machine (SVM) which aims to develop a path planning for guiding a mobile robot safely and smoothly in the space with obstacles. Being a cell decomposition method for path generation, a Voronoi tessellation is employed as a preprocessor to rapidly generate a rough path in the 2-dimentional configuration space. The geometric property of Voronoi tessellation keeps the path distant away from obstacles as far as possible. Consecutively, a SVM postprocessor is used to transform the rough path into a smooth path. Based on the statistical learning theory, the large margin SVM with RBF kernel can used to generate an artificial Gaussian potential field. With the Gaussian potential field, a large margin zero-potential curve is thus obtained in the configuration space. The idea of large margin implies that a wide path can be obtained with the employment of the SVM. Sharing the merits of both planning stages, a safe and smooth path can b eventually produced. In the 2-stage path planner, obstacles can be simplified as a class of obstacle singletons for efficient computation. With the class of obstacle singletons, additional outer-frame singletons and clip points are employed to improve feasibility to draw a safe and smooth path from the starting point to the goal. Moreover, effects of corresponding parameters are detailed discussed in the paper. Plentiful planning examples are also included for approval of the feasibility of the safe and smooth path planner for real application.


SVM Voronoi Tessellation Path Planning Smooth Safe


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