  • 學位論文


A Study on the Preparation of Instructional Designers: the Perspective of Practitioners

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究旨在探討實務工作者對大學教學設計人才培育內容與方式之意見,針對淡江大學教育科技學系畢業校友進行調查,以分析培育內容包含在分析、設計、發展、實施、管理、評鑑、理論等7個面向,以及培育方式共13個項目對實務工作者之助益程度,並分析實務工作者個人背景因素與學習經驗對其所感知之助益程度是否會造成差異影響,以提供教學設計人才培育之規劃、實行與修正之建議。本研究採自編「教學設計人才培育」調查問卷進行調查,助益程度為實務工作者個人感知之受益情形,採李克特式6點量表計分,本問卷培育內容部分之信度α為.972,培育方式部分之信度α為.915。本研究共計發放問卷222份,回收有效問卷127份,有效問卷回收率57.21%。 研究結果顯示:第一,教學設計人才培育內容整體的助益程度平均值4.62,顯示助益程度良好,各構面之助益程度由高至低依序為:設計、分析、評鑑、理論、發展、管理與實施。第二,教學設計人才培育方式整體的助益程度平均值4.78,顯示助益程度良好,各項目依得分高低排序為一對一的師徒制學習、畢業專題、合作學習、工作室情境的學習、主題或專題研究、企業實習、案例教學或研討、密集寫作練習、參與學習社群、多元化的國際學習、服務學習、通識課程的修習與新生入學輔導。第三,不同個人背景之實務工作者在性別、年齡、學制、就業情形、職位層級、產業類別、年資與工作內容等變項上對於培育內容或方式之助益程度皆有不同程度之顯著差異。 本研究對教學設計人才培育提出實務上的建議: 1.持續精進各項人才培育內容,並特別加強實施面向的教學與學習。 2.審視整體課程規劃,藉由不同學制培育不同層級的人才。 3.針對不同就業取向的學生加強所需之培育內容。 4.針對大學部與碩士班的不同特性,實施專業與高影響力的培育方式。 5.著重加強新生入學輔導,並幫助學生了解通識課程的目的。 6.加強實務融入課程的培育方式。 7.加強對即將畢業之學生的總結性學習與就業升學輔導。 8.加強人才培育的軟硬體設施、服務、人脈以及外部等各類資源提供。 本研究對未來研究的建議: 1.進行質化研究以獲得更深入且完整的資料。 2.國內教學設計相關系所可進行類似研究,作為人才培育的參考與修正依據。 3.擴大研究範圍至各校相關系所,以全面了解國內人才培育情形。 4.擴大研究對象至學生、教師、企業與公部門,從不同觀點了解人才培育需求。 5.進行長期的縱貫式調查以追蹤學習與就業情況。 6.運用迴歸與路徑分析建構方程式模型,以探究各項目之間的因果關係。


The purpose of this study is to know the degree of usefulness of the content and practices of the preparation of instructional designers through investigating the opinions of instructional design practitioners who graduated from the Department of Educational Technology at Tamkang University. 44 items of the content of the preparation are included in 7 dimensions: analysis, design, development, implementation, management, evaluation and theories; the practices of the preparation include 13 items. The differences of the background of the alumni are also analyzed. 222 questionnaires were sent to the alumni. There were 127 returned and the valid rate of return is 57.21. The reliability of the questionnaire is .972(the part of content) and .915(the part of practices) of Cronbach α. The results of the research indicated: (1) The degree of usefulness of the content of preparation is 4.62, which means most of the items of the content are much more than helpful to the practitioners. Among 7 dimensions, the rankings of the degree of usefulness are design, analysis, evaluation, theories, development, management and implementation. (2) The degree of usefulness of the practices of preparation is 4.78, which means most of the items of the practices are much more than helpful to the practitioners. Among 13 items, the rankings of the degree of usefulness are apprenticeship, graduation project, collaborative learning, design studio, undergraduate research, internships, case study instruction, writing-intensive practices, learning communities, diversity and international learning, service learning, common intellectual courses, first-year guidance and assistance. (3) The degree of usefulness varied with different background of practitioners including gender, age, bachelor or master degree, employed or self-employed, basic or management level, industries, work experiences and job content. Suggestions for the preparation of instructional designer were made as followings: 1.To continuously implement the items of the content and to enhance the dimension of implementation. 2.To re-examine the curriculum and to prepare practitioners of different levels through different programs. 3.To enhance the project management component of students who are willing to be digital instructional designers or managers, and to enhance the system view and content of evaluation and theories for students who are willing to begin an undertaking or work at home. 4.To implement Hi-impact Practices based on different characters of bachelor and master programs. 5.To enhance first-year guidance and assistance and to let students understand the purpose of common intellectual courses. 6.To enhance the practical courses. 7.To enhance the capstone courses and graduate counseling. 8.To enhance software and hardware facilities and service resources, and to develop alumni networks and external resources. Suggestions for the future research were made as followings: 1.To collect deeper and more complete data through qualitative survey. 2.Other colleges or universities which have similar departments could do similar surveys based on this research. 3.To enlarge the research scope to other colleges and universities. 4.To investigate the opinions of students, teachers, industries and public departments and organizations. 5.To investigate the opinions of practitioners in different stages by using a longitudinal survey. 6.To build the model of causal relationship through regression and path analysis.


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