  • 學位論文

新產品開發品質管理之一研究 以B公司電容式多點觸控鍍膜面板為例

A Study of Quality Management System of New Product Development -Case Study of Capacitive Touch Panel

指導教授 : 楊維楨


摘要 論文名稱:新產品開發品質管理之一研究-以B公司電容式多點觸控鍍膜面板為例 頁數:81 校系(所)組別:淡江大學管理科學研究所企業經營碩士在職專班 畢業時間及提要別:98學年度第2學期碩士學位論文提要 研究生:張永興 指導教授:楊維楨 博士 論文提要內容: 本論文主要在探討新產品開發階段之品質管理系統之關係。台灣不論是政府或是民間的企業都以國內的研發能力與製造技術而自豪,但是當我們談到品牌時客戶需求才是最重要的核心價值,許多企業以身為全球ODM/OEM代工龍頭自豪不以時,但是我們所獲得的利潤是產品週期中利潤最少的一階段。當歐美產品以高價值的品牌形象獲取高額利潤時,國內有多少企業主有認真思考過這中間的差異。 國內許多從事新產品開發的人員都以為自己設計的產品符合市場客戶的需求,而所謂的客戶其實是各大品牌擁有者(Brand Owner),所有的產品規格也都來自於這些公司,並非真正的產品使用者,這個問題鮮少有人去探討並瞭解這些大廠如何瞭解客戶需求。台灣廠商擁有世界一流的研發製造管理能力,如何瞭解新產品開發與品質管理系統相結合,進而提高產品設計品質,以商品力去 提昇品牌的價值,並製造出市場真正需要的商品是本論文想探討的議題。   個人於國內平面顯示器鍍膜面板廠擔任品質保證與管理方面工作,建立完整的品質管理系統,在遵守商業倫理的必要限制下,以個人實際開創多點觸控鍍膜面板的新產品開發品管系統之實務經驗敘述為主,撰寫研究報告,探討多項新產品開發階段導入品質作業流程,結合業界分析工具與品管相關手法,據以提出新產品開發品管之運作模式與控制方式及作法供各位先進指正。 【關鍵詞】: 新產品開發,品質管理,平面顯示器


Title of Thesis: Total pages:81 A Study of Quality Management System of New Product Development- Case Study of Capacitive Touch Panel Key word:New Product Development,Quality Management,Display Name of Institute: Executive Master’s Program of Business Administration (EMBA) in Management Sciences , Tamkang University Graduate date:June, 2010 Degree conferred:Master Name of student:Yung-Hsing,Chang Advisor:Dr.Wei-Tzen Yang 張永興 楊維楨博士 Abstract: The thesis mainly discusses the Quality Control Management system related to the New Product Development Stage. In Taiwan, both the government and private enterprises are proud of their research and development ability and the technique of manufacture. However when we talk about the brand, the customer demand is the most important core value. Many enterprises are quite proud of being the leading role of the global ODM /OEM, but neglect the profit which we obtain is the least stage in the whole product cycle. When the European and American products gain high profits by their high value's brand image, how many Taiwan business owners have ever earnestly pondered the discrepancy? Many domestic people who are engaged in the new product development think their design meets the customer market demand, but the so-called customers are actually the brand owners. Moreover all product specifications also come from these companies in stead of the end users. This question is rarely discussed by people who don’t understand how these big companies know customer demand. Taiwan manufacturers have the best research and development, manufacture and management capacity. How can we understand that the combination of the new product development and the quality control system, and then enhance new products design quality to strength the product value and produce the right commodity that indeed meets the market requirement. That is the main subject which the paper wants to discuss. I have been working in the field of Quality Assurance and Management in some big companies of LCD and coating panel and am responsible for setting up completed quality control system. The paper is written based on my personal experiences on creating the new product development system of Multi Touch Coating Panel and is limited under the essential market ethics. I compose the paper to discuss inducting the quality work flow on many new product development stages with the analysis tools in the industry and the related methods to present the model for new product development operation and control method. Your kind comments and instructions are highly appreciated.


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