  • 學位論文


Quality Control Procedure Design in New Product Development Stage for High-Tech Industry and its Application to TFT-LCD Four-Mask Technology

指導教授 : 蘇朝墩


新產品的銷售已成為一個公司收益的主要來源,而新產品的成功則取決於新產品開發程序。因此,對於高科技產業而言,面對科技發展及市場需求變化快速的競爭環境,在新產品開發上,除了針對產品上創新,更需新製程技術的開發與導入,以獲得更多的訂單。為使高科技產業在新產品開發上能有系統性的方法與工具,本研究參考ISO/ TS 16949中先期產品品質規劃(Advanced Product Quality Planning, APQP)之新產品開發流程,提出一個適用於半導體及TFT-LCD產業的新產品開發流程。藉由在進行PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)程序之前,先行對於製程相關機台做生產績效評估步驟,選出製程裡個別工作站中績效最佳的機台,組合成黃金產線(Golden Line),並結合DFMEA(Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)、PFMEA及顧客需求規格來整合出重要關鍵因子加以管控,以建構新產品開發之品質管制系統,期能提升各製程之初次產出良率及縮短新產品之上市時間。 本研究以一個TFT-LCD製造公司在新產品開發階段同時導入四道光罩技術於TFT Array製程為例,執行本研究所提的新產品開發之品質管制流程,進行研究分析。結果顯示採取本研究所提出的新產品開發之品質管制流程能夠有效的縮短新產品開發所需的時間,使得上市時間能較傳統之新產品開發程序所需的130天,縮短為100天。另外也提升TFT Array基板及Cell基板的初次產出良率(First Pass Yield, FPY),減少修補程序所需耗費之成本。此執行結果說明了本研究所提的新產品開發之品質管制流程能夠達成建構新產品開發之品質管制系統、提升新產品各製程之初次產出良率及縮短新產品之上市時間等成效。


The sales of new products have become a major part of a firm’s revenue. However, the success of new products mainly depends on the new product development processes. The companies in high-tech industry face a rapidly changing and competitive environment in technology development and market demand. They not only have to focus on product innovation, but also the development and introduction of new manufacturing technologies to obtain more orders. To have a systematic method and tool for new product development in high-tech industry, this research proposed a procedure which is modified from the new product development process of advanced product quality planning (APQP) in ISO/ TS 16949. Before the process failure mode and effects analysis (PFMEA), we evaluate the production performance of process-related machines to form a golden line and combine product specification with design failure mode and effects analysis (DFMEA) and PFMEA to monitor critical parameters. This study applied the proposed procedure to a TFT-LCD manufacturing firm, in which a four-mask technology is introduced to the TFT Array process in the new product development phase. The experimental results showed that the proposed procedure reduces the time to market from 130 days to 100 days and improves the first pass yield (FPY) in TFT Array and Cell processes. Our proposed procedure can construct quality control system, increase first pass yield in each manufacturing process and reduce the time to market for new product.


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