  • 學位論文

運用限制理論提升設備綜合效率 TFT-LCD產業之個案研究

Applying Theory of Constraints to improve the overall effectiveness of equipment The case study of TFT-LCD industry

指導教授 : 蔡啟揚


TFT-LCD是一高科技及高投資的產業,因設備昂貴加上市場利基競爭,一般管理者皆以提高設備利用率,及追求系統產能極大化為最終目標,因此若能縮短生產週期,降低在製品數量,庫存成本也必能降低,縮短在製品工期顯然更為重要。其中又以ARRAY段製程較為複雜,需要多道的重複製程,是指一個產品的製造流程須經過限制資源(Capacity Constraint Resource;CCR)兩次或兩次以上。 為滿足限制資源迴流(Reentry)前後作業之合理搭配的問題,本研究想建立限制驅導式排程(Drum Buffer Rope Scheduling)於TFT- LCD產業生產排程,探討瓶頸設備派工法則,使瓶頸設備的產能與使用率受到保護。本研究利用三個案例來說明及排程方法的可行性,經由案例驗證之結果顯示,在訂單到期日績效方面,本研究有較短的平均延遲時間;而訂單生產途程時間、生產週期、設備利用率、設備綜合效率、在製品管理上,相較個案公司管理模式,本研究所提出的模式有著較佳的成效。


TFT-LCD is the industry of high-tech and capital intensive because of the costly equipment and the competition. Ttherefore, management are trying to increase the utilization of equipment, and pursue system productivity. Consequently, if one can shorten production periods and reduce the high amount work in process, the stock cost will be reduced. Thus shorten the product work to expect to be obviously more important. In TFT-LCD manufacturing ARRAY process is very complicated, which takes several repeated processes, meaning that a product in the manufacturing process must go through capacity constraint resource (CCR) twice or even more. To study CCR reentry of reasonable match of problem, this research is to build up a DBR's scheduling method for TFT-LCD production control. This method takes into consideration CCR in the manufacturing process and put CCR productivity and utilization rate of the equipment under protection. This research studies three cases to analyze the feasibility of scheduling method. It is shown that the proposed method provides schedules with better average order lateness, cycle time, total utilization, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).Compared to current company method, this method shows better result.


Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Guidebook Revision 1.0
(SEMATECH Technology Transfer 95032745A-GEN)
