  • 學位論文


The Running and Economic Value of European Luxury Industry – A Case Study of LVMH Group

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


全球化(Globalization)的過程中,影響的層次非常廣而深,除了政治與經濟的層面,也與文化、生活甚至精神息息相關。國際經濟活動的熱絡是全球化最顯而易見的,而有關於服裝、珠寶等和人類食衣住行相關的品項,其經濟規模非常大,其中精品產業,不僅商品高單價,消費族群鎖定為金字塔頂端的客戶,其帶來的經濟價值更是相當可觀。    歐洲精品產業在商品和服務上的發展與製造是全球的領導者。「歐洲」本身就是最奢華精品品牌的發源地與代名詞,精品產業深深植根於歐洲的和文化和歷史遺產中,意識型態上的概念與精緻的產品都被出口到世界各地,從無間斷地展示其世界級創新、精湛的工藝與高技術高品質的製造。精品商品一般泛指個人的消費品如時裝、香水、珠寶和手錶等類別。但其實,精品產業在歐洲的定義是比這個更廣泛的,涵蓋14種不同的消費產品和服務項目,其範圍從汽車、遊艇,以至於家具等。   而在現今位居領導地位的精品集團LVMH,其過去發展所立下的基礎、對於全球化市場重要性的敏感領略以及更為積極迅速的併購策略等,許多方面都具有代表性,並且創造出豐厚的營收與效益。因此,本文以LVMH集團作為個案研究。


The effect on politics and economy is very wide and deep during the process of globalization. The culture is also affected. The most obvious effect in the world is on economic activities, including clothing, jewelry, eating, and leisure. They are very important in our lives. One industry, called the luxury industry, is developing quickly in terms of high quality and high prices. Most of this industry’s customers are at the top of the economic pyramid, so the economic value is considerable. The luxury industry is almost synonymous to the fashion industry today. Therefore, it is an addition to the value of the luxury industry and also a type of artistic thinking. Designers are able to express themselves through these luxury items. Fashion is an art at all levels, such as music, movies, and other entertainment. All kinds of creative activities and management of market behavior are close to the fashion industry. While we are tasting the beauty of luxury, we also can find out the spirit of "Luxury brand" value. In the luxury fashion industry, the most representative group is LVMH (LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton). They are the largest luxury group and own a number of high quality brands. Their revenue and benefits are amazing. In this paper, we will do a case study for this amazing group.


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