  • 學位論文


A Study on Relations among the Vitalized English Curriculum, English Learning Experience and Learning Attitude

指導教授 : 顧大維


隨著全球化的來臨,英語已成為重要的溝通工具,且是面對國際化競爭不可或缺的能力之一,英語學習可謂是全民運動。新北市於99學年度於各小學全面實施「活化課程」,然而目前活化課程之相關研究屈指可數,因此研究者欲瞭解活化課程與英語學習經驗對國小學童英語學習態度的影響。本研究以自編問卷作為研究工具,並輔以訪談法,將所得量化資料以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、學童整體一般英語學習態度積極正向,且以對「教師」態度最佳,但仍有「焦慮」感受。 二、學童在接受活化課程後,英語學習態度呈現積極正向,且以「焦慮」與「自信」改善最多。 三、現況有參加校外英語補習之學童,在校外英語補習學習態度上,呈現積極正向,且以對「教師」、「自信」態度最佳,對「考試作業」態度則較負面。 四、男女學童在一般英語學習態度的「教師」及「專心主動」的部分,具有顯著差異,且以女童表現較佳;而在校外英語補習學習態度上,男女學童則在「行為」、「動機」、「教師」及「專心主動」,呈現顯著差異。 五、幼稚園有學習英語之學童,其整體一般英語學習態度表現較佳,但在接受活化課程後的英語學習態度上,則只有在學習態度的「行為」部分,表現較佳。 六、幼稚園有學習英語且現況有參加校外英語補習學習態度之學童,其在校外英語補習學習態度的「自信」表現最佳。 七、現況有參加校外英語補習之學童,其在一般英語學習態度及接受活化課程後的英語學習態度,皆較現況未參加校外英語補習之學童,要為積極正向,且在「焦慮」與「專心主動」層面明顯表現較佳。 八、學童的一般英語學習態度及接受活化課程後的英語學習態度,皆較校外英語補習學習態度要積極正向,且以上三者,兩兩皆具有顯著正相關。 九、學童的英語學習經驗,與一般英語學習態度及接受活化課程後的英語學習態度,皆具有顯著正相關。 基於以上主要研究發現與結論,提出以下建議,希望能提供給政府當局、學校行政單位或是英語教師,在行政、課程計畫及教學上的參考。 一、活化課程應繼續實施,因可增加學童英語學習的自信,且可協助家庭資源較差之學童學習英語。 二、考量不同背景變項學童在英語學習態度上的差異,教師應適時給予引導與鼓勵。 三、教師教學應著重在引起動機、降低焦慮以及培養專心主動的學習態度。 四、教師可將英語歌曲融入至教學中,以提升學生英語學習經驗,並提高其學習動機。 五、教師的教學態度、模式,應考慮到學生英語學習的異質性,以激發學習英語的興趣。 六、學校或政府行政單位應提供英語教學資料庫,以支援教師教學。 七、學校英語課程規劃可參考分組教學的模式,讓學生可依其程度,進行學習。 八、英語課之課程編排以每天一節的方式較佳。 九、活化課程目標設定應明確,以作為教師教學方向之參考。


This study aimed to investigate the impact of the vitalized English curriculum and English learning experiences, within a public primary learning environment in New Taipei City, on the learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) and on their attitudes toward learning EFL. The questionnaire survey was adopted. The major research findings are as follows: 1. Students’ general English learning attitudes were found to be positive. Attitude towards English teachers were most positive, but anxiety towards English learning although of the least significance still present. 2. Students’ English learning attitudes after vitalized English curriculum were found to be positive. Levels of anxiety and confidence of English learning were found to be of most positive improvement. 3. Students’ attitudes toward English cram school were found to be positive and the attitudes toward English cram school teacher and confidence of English learning were found to be of the first and second most positive factors, while the attitudes toward English quiz and homework were both to be found negative. 4. The effects of gender differences were found to be positive significance on variables, “Teacher” and “Concentration and Active initiative” of general English learning attitudes. While, “Behavior”, “Motivation”, “Teacher” and “Concentration and Active initiative” of attitudes toward English cram school were also found to be of positive significance. 5. Students who attended kindergarten with EFL learning programs found to be of positive significance in general English learning attitude by comparison over students who did not. And it was found to be positive significance on variable “Behavior” in the attitudes after vitalized English curriculum. 6. Students who attended kindergarten with EFL learning programs and participate in English cram school are confident of attitudes toward English cram school. 7. Students who participate in English cram school were found to be of positive significance on variables “Anxiety” and “Concentration and Active initiative” of general English learning attitude and the attitudes after vitalized English curriculum by comparison over students who did not. 8. Students’ general English learning attitudes and the attitudes after vitalized English curriculum were both found to be of positive significance with attitudes toward English cram school; both were found to be significant positive correlative. 9. Students’ English learning experiences, general English learning attitudes and the attitudes after vitalized English curriculum were significant positive correlative. The researcher integrates the findings of this study and the experiences of research process to give suggestions and recommendations for the educational administration proposals and future studies.


