  • 學位論文

帶領國中生閱讀英文圖畫書— 一位準老師應用全語言的行動研究

English Picture Books for Young Adults — An Action Research About A Pre-service Teacher Applying Whole Language.

指導教授 : 林文韵


本研究旨在探究應用英文圖畫書於國中生之閱讀教學對國中生英文閱讀態度的影響、國中生對使用英文圖畫書學習英文的反應、在課程?媯o展出哪些吸引學生的教學策略,以及一位帶著全語言觀點的準教師以英文圖畫書為教學媒介之教學歷程分享。參與此英文圖畫書閱讀課程的主角是四位十三到十四歲的國中生,研究者在行動研究展開的歷程中探究孩子們的反應以及反思教師的教學,透過閱讀文學基礎教學取向(Literature Based Approach)、圖畫書與全語言教學之文獻作為研究的理論基礎,採用行動研究方法進入實際教學現場進行觀察與探究,以孩子筆記與作品、教師反思札記、閱讀態度、問卷錄音錄影等方式蒐集資料,然後針對資料進行整理歸納與分析;最後依據研究資料整理與分析的結果,歸納研究發現並提出綜合性結論,並針對未來欲應用英文圖畫書於閱讀教學之後續研究提出建議。 根據本研究發現歸納之結論如下﹕ 一、英文圖畫書閱讀課程對國中生英文閱讀態度帶來正面的影響 二、全語言精神的英文圖畫書教學策略以孩子為學習的主體 三、全語言精神的英文圖畫書閱讀教學歷程在師生共同建立的學習社群?堿菑狩v響與發展 四、全語言精神的英文圖畫書教學活動使孩子們彼此間的關係更緊密 五、孩子們期待英文圖畫書閱讀課程能夠成為正式的學校英文課程 六、多元的閱讀及書寫活動增進孩子閱讀英文讀物的樂趣與語言學習動機


This study aims to inquiry how English reading attitude for young adults in middle school are affected by the reading program based on the literature based instruction, how middle school students response to learning English by reading English picture books, how a pre-service teacher with whole language ideas in Taiwan teaches reading by using English picture books, and what teaching strategies are developed in the reading program. This study guided by the action research and analyzed datum from students’ works and journals, questionnaire of reading attitude, teacher’s teaching reflection, and teaching video types and record. The major findings of this study were: 1. The reading attitude in English of young adults was positively affected by reading English picture books. 2. The whole language teaching strategies of English picture books focused on the young adult readers. 3. Both the teaching and the learning process were developed within the learning community that built by the students and the teacher with whole language philosophy. 4. Students enhanced their social abilities and learned to cooperate with others through the activities based on the literature-based instruction and whole language philosophy. 5. Students were looking forward to taking Picture Books Reading Program as a formal school language learning curriculum. 6. The various writing and reading activities based on literature based instruction and whole language ideas promoted the pleasure of reading English picture books and the motivation of learning for young adults.


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