  • 學位論文


A study of perfectionism and self-regulation: Study based on high school students in Taipei

指導教授 : 柯志恩


人的行為是目標導向的,而完美主義者常為目標與現實之間的差異飽受困擾。由於目標的追求是一種自我調節的歷程,藉此本研究希望瞭解台北高中生的完美主義與自我調節現況,並從自我調節歷程-訊息接受與評估能力、啟動改變能力以及計畫實行能力探究不同完美主義類型者的目標追求行為的差異,藉此提供教育與輔導單位適當的建議。本研究採問卷調查法進行,以7所台北高中共518名高中生為研究樣本,研究工具包括「完美主義量表」與「自我調節量表」,以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關等方法進行統計分析。 本研究的主要發現有: 一、完美主義類型有學業成績上的差異,卻無性別上呈現差異。 二、自我調節能力無性別上的差異,卻在不同學業成績上呈現差異。 三、適應性完美主義者的自我調節能力最佳,非完美主義者的自我調節能力最弱,又非完美主義者和適應不良完美主義者的自我調節能力無顯著差異。 四、適應性完美主義者與適應不良完美主義者在自我調節能力上的「訊息接受與評估能力」以及「啟動改變能力」無差異,卻在「計畫實行能力」上有顯著差異 五、非完美主義者與適應性完美主義者的自我調節能力隨著越高的標準而提高,可是當兩者的目標與現實差距越大,且個人過度關注在失誤上時,其自我調節能力隨之降低。 六、適應不良完美主義者在自我調節歷程上以「計畫實行能力」為最弱;當追求的目標與現況的差距越大,且個人不斷聚焦在失誤上時,其自我調節能力會變得變得越弱。


Human behavior is organized around goals. Perfectionists always suffered from the perceived discrepancy between goal and performance. Self-regulation is a process of continuously monitoring progress toward a goal; hence the primary concern of this study is to examine the goal chasing behavior of perfectionist from the frame of self-regulation. The self-regulation in this study refers to the ability of receving and information evaluating, the ability of triggering change, and the ability of implementing plan. A sample of 518 high school students completed a battery of questionnaires including Perfectionism Scale and Self-regualtion Scale. Implication of this study and proposals for future research are proposed for education and counseling unit. Findings of this study stated below: 1. There is no gender difference found in type of perfectionists, yet different academic performance has a significantly different type of perfectionists. 2. There is no gender difference found in self-regulation, yet different academic performance has a significantly different ability to self-regulate. 3. The ability to self-regulate of adaptive perfectionist is found to be the best, non-perfectionist to be the poorest, yet the ability to self-regulate found no difference between non-perfectionist and maladaptive perfectionist. 4. There is no difference found between adaptive perfectionist and maladaptive perfectionist on the ability of receiving and evaluating information, yet significant difference found on the ability of implementing plan. 5. The higher the standard of non-perfetionist and adaptive perfectionist, the ability to self-regulate is found to be better. However, when both type of perfectionists perceive larger discrepancy and over concern on their mistakes, the ability to self-regulate is getting poorer. 6. The ability of implementing plan of maladaptive perfectionist is found to be the weakest on the process of self-regulation. When they perceive larger discrepancy and over concern on their mistakes, the ability to implement a plan is getting poorer.


perfectionism perfectionist self-regulation


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