  • 學位論文

銷售人員外表吸引力與說服策略以及消費者人格特質 對衝動性購買的影響-以服飾業為例

A Research of the effect of Facial Attractiveness of sales, Persuasive Strategy and Consumer Personality on Impulsive Buying Behavior-A case study of clothes industry

指導教授 : 曾忠蕙


服飾業在現今社會中,隨著越來越多國外品牌進駐或許多的自創品牌店面設立,可以看出其競爭越來越激烈,而消費者的衝動性購買現象在零售業中尤其普遍,故本研究提出可能影響消費者衝動性購買的因素,包含銷售人員的外表吸引力、說服策略及消費者本身人格特質做為影響衝動性購買的研究變數,探討消費者產生衝動性購買的影響是否存在顯著差異。 本研究選出代表外表吸引力低/高之代表人選,做為外表吸引力的實驗操弄;說服策略方面,分類為六種模式;消費者的人格特質先經由題項設計供受測者填寫,再分類為低/高的程度,將以上變數之分類操弄,對衝動性購買做研究分析,另外更細部的探討這些變數對不同類型的衝動性購買影響程度為何,以及探討外表吸引力與說服策略的交互作用下,對衝動性購買的影響。 經後續研究假設,發現消費者在不同程度的外表吸引力、說服策略及消費者本身的人格特質情況下,對於衝動性購買的影響均存在著顯著差異,進一步的探討,得知對於提醒式和計劃性衝動性購買也有顯著的影響差異,而對於交互作用而言,高外表吸引力的銷售人員搭配權威法則較能使消費者產生衝動性購買的效果。


Clothes industry with more and more foreign brands entered or many own brand stores set up recently. It more competitive that we can see. While consumer impulse buying phenomenon is particularly prevalent in the retail industry. In this research, we present some factors that may affect consumer impulse buying. Including the Physical Attractiveness of the sales, Persuasive Strategy and Consumer Personality. To investigate that whether there are significant differences in these variables affecting impulse buying of consumer. In this study, we choose representative of physical attractiveness in Low / High as the experimental manipulation of the physical attractiveness; And classifying Persuasive Strategy into six models; we also classified Consumer Personality into Low / High level. According to these classification, these variables are analysised how the effect on Impulsive Buying Behavior. Furthermore, do more detailed discussion of these variables on the influence different types of Impulse Buying Behavior, and to explore the effect on Impulsive Buying Behavior by interaction between Physical Attractiveness and Persuasion Strategy. After follow-up study hypothesis, we found that there are significant differences in consumers Impulsive Buying Behavior with different level of Physical Attractiveness, Persuasive Strategy and Consumers Personality. Furthermore, we are also found that there are significant differences in Reminder Impulsive Buying and Planned Impulsive Buying with different level of Physical Attractiveness, Persuasive Strategy and Consumers Personality. And about the interaction between Physical Attractiveness and Persuasion Strategy, the high physical attractiveness of the sales with the authoritative rule will affects consumers Impulsive Buying Behavior more efficiently.


Applebaum, W.(1951),Studying Consumer Behavior in Retail Stores,Journal of Marketing, 16:172-178.
