  • 學位論文


Examining the Influence of Leader’s Sense of Humor on Employee Job Involvement: The Mediating Role of Team Cohesiveness

指導教授 : 汪美伶
共同指導教授 : 李青芬




Encountered with fierce competition in the financial market, the banking industry in Taiwan has transformed to increase market share via telemarketing teams. As the personality traits of team managers may have impacts on team cohesiveness and subordinates’ job involvement, the purpose of this study is to examine whether the sense of humor of team managers have influence on team cohesivenes and subordintes’ job involvement as well as investigate the effect of team cohesivenss on job involvement in the context of telemarketing. Data was collected from 53 telemarketing team managers and their 358 subordinates of three financial institutions and analyzed using hierarchical regression. The results showed that sense of humor of team managers had positive effects on team cohesiveness, and team cohesiveness had positve effects on job involvement. However, the sense of humor of team managers did not have influence on job involvement. Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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