  • 學位論文


Temperature Uniformity Simulation of Vapor Chamber Heat Spreader

指導教授 : 康尚文


本文採用數值模擬之方式,假設處於自然對流流場之情況下,使用CFD模擬軟體,針對不同材質均溫板之均溫性與升溫速率進行模擬分析。   其均溫板模型結構包含4mm厚的蒸汽腔體以及13.2mm厚的上板多孔結構,多孔結構是由173個直徑5mm深10mm之孔洞所組成,均溫板整體尺寸為(112×75×17.2mm)。並且使用總功率為1200watt之熱源,平均分佈在六片每單位面積為30×30mm的矩形板上,對均溫板進行加熱。並且選用銅、銀、鋁及蒸汽腔體等四種材質,作為均溫板結構之參數。   結果顯示出,由於蒸汽腔體富有較高的熱傳導係數,其均溫性較佳,依次排列分別為銀、銅、鋁。但是,升溫速率則以銀、鋁較快,因為銅質均溫板與蒸汽腔體有較大的熱含量,升溫會較緩慢,因此升溫速率低於銀與鋁。


蒸汽腔體 升溫速率 均溫性


In this study, temperature uniformity and heating rate of heat spreaders with multi-well are simulated and analyzed by CFD software under natural convection condition. Temperatures on a series of different heat spreaders are simulated and compared at a heating power of 1200W. Six 200W heat sources with an area of 30×30mm are applied evenly to spreader. Multi-well heat spreader (112×75×17.2mm) is composed of a 4mm thick heat spreader, and a 13.2mm thick upper plate with 173 wells (diameter of the wells is 5mm and depth is 10mm). We selected four materials for the heat spreader, including copper, aluminum, silver, and vapor chamber. Temperature uniformity is evaluated by the temperature difference and the standard deviation. Vapor chamber heat spreader has the better temperature uniformity due to a higher thermal conductivity, followed by silver, copper and aluminum heat spreader. Aluminum and silver heat spreader show the higher heating rate, followed by copper heat spreader, vapor chamber heat spreader due to a larger heat capacity, heat up the slowest.


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