  • 學位論文


Discussion on the business model of the overseas TV shopping suppliers-A case of K Company

指導教授 : 黃振豊 孔繁華


全球經濟的繁榮與發展,改變現代人的生活作息與習慣,更因此由傳統的實體通路改變蘊育出虛擬通路的交易模式,其中又以「電視購物」的產值佔最大,其發展也最為快速,更因此同步帶動了相關產業的發展及商機。本研究以歐美虛擬通路市場之供應商─K公司為研究之主體,採用質化個案研究法,探討K公司的營運狀況、管理模式。 K公司供貨予歐美國家虛擬及實體的多元通路商,包含虛擬的電視廣告、電視購物、型錄郵購、網路以及實體的零售賣場、百貨公司等。主要產品分為九大類:電器、健身、花園、家庭、廚房、個人護理用品、工具、環保及其他,產品多樣化,為降低生產成本,建置了自有生產基地和整合上下游廠商,並藉由通路的佈局,以及物流、金流的操作及運用,使K公司由生產到銷售緊密串連及結合。 經由個案分析後,其結論歸納如下:有鑑於全球虛擬通路的盛行,更因此帶動K公司的發展,也因K公司掌握了多元通路商之優勢,使產品行銷及廣告效益可延續下一個通路,也因此為下一階段之通路創造另一波銷售佳績,同時也透過供應鏈整合效益的呈現,和策略創新的運用及配合,創造K公司穩定成長獲利的績效。K公司的競爭力仍仰賴企業經營之策略、模式,以及適時隨著環境做出有效的因應及調整。K公司擁有虛擬通路興起的外在環境優勢,以及多元化的銷售通路、供應鏈的整合、價值鏈提升、強化之組織及執行力,以及產品及服務創新策略等內在環境優勢,並且極力執行整體策略運用及模式建立,足以顯示為影響K公司通路市場持續穩定成長獲利及保持優勢競爭力之關鍵因素。


Prosperity and development of the global economy change the lifestyle and habits of modern people, transform the traditional physical channel into the trading pattern of virtual channel, among which “TV Shopping” accounts for the largest output value and develops most rapidly, and synchronously drive the development and business opportunities of related industries.This study selects K Company, a virtual TV channel supplier engaging in the markets of Europe and the United States, as the research subject, and adopts qualitative study method to explore K Company’s current operating conditions, business strategy, and management model. K Company offers diverse channels to Europe and the United States, including virtual TV commercials, TV shopping, catalog mail order, internet, physical retail stores, department stores, etc. The main products can be divided into nine categories, namely, appliances, fitness, garden, home, kitchen, personal care products, tools, environmental protection and others. K Company built up its own production base and integrated upstream and downstream manufacturers in order to reduce production costs and achieved the closest connection and combination from production to sales end through the layout of channel as well as the operation and use of logistics and cash flow. The main findings in the research are summarized as follows. The global prevalence of virtual channels drives the development of K Company. Since K Company grasps the advantages of diverse channels, its product marketing and advertising effectiveness can be continued to next channel thus creating another wave of sales achievement. Meanwhile, the presentation of integrated efficiency of supply chain as well as the use and coordination of strategies innovation let K Company grow and earn profit steadily. The main competitiveness of K company relies on its excellent business model to manage effective operation and adjust with the changing of environment. K Company possesses external environment advantage for the rise of virtual channels as well as inherent environmental advantage, such as diversified sales channels, the integration of supply chain, the enhancement of value chain, strengthened organization and execution, and product and service innovation strategies, trying to perform the whole strategies and building models, all of which are proven to be the key factors that make K Company’s channel markets continue to grow and earn profit steadily and maintain advantage competitiveness.


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