  • 學位論文


Study on The Free Surface Effects of Tightly Closed Containers

指導教授 : 李宗翰


封閉容器自由液面問題,在業界廣泛被使用,一直以來都是國際上探討研究的課題之一。自由液面晃動是一種複雜、非線性問題。而非滿載液體罐式汽車的行進方向穩定極限比運載剛性貨物的貨車穩定極限低,是由於行進間啟動或剎車,會造成液體受慣性力作用產生大幅晃動,使罐式汽車負荷重心隨之變化,而影響其穩定性。 本文假設罐體剛性足夠大,而不考慮罐體的彈性變型,利用VOF數值方法去模擬罐式汽車剎車時,罐體自由液面晃動時的動態模擬,並在此基礎上進行罐體自由液面液體晃動和抑制的研究。透過模擬比較有無防波板之差異,改變防波板與隔板對於液體晃動的影響,非等減速剎車的改變對於液體晃動的影響。 本文研究結果顯示,設置防波板對於抑制液體晃動效果明顯,防波板和隔板的改變對液體晃動的影響小於慣性力的變化,非等減速剎車對於罐體壁受力大小與反應時間的改變,比較與等減速剎車的差異。


密閉容器 自由液面 晃動抑制 VOF


Discussions on the free surface effects of tightly closed containers have wide application in engineering analysis and international focus research fields at all times which is complex and nonlinear. Filled tank vehicles relative to the low stability trucks carrying goods. Directional stability limits of partially filled liquid cargo tanks are significantly lower than those of conventional rigid cargo vehicles due to the unique dynamic interactions between the vehicle and the sloshing liquid cargo. The forces and moments arising from a directional maneuver yield considerable dynamic load shifts in the roll and pitch planes due to the sloshing of the liquid cargo within the partially filled tank. The dynamic load shift affects the directional stability of the partially filled tank trucks. Supposing that the oil thank has enough rigidity and no elastic. The paper adopts the method of VOF to implement the numerical simulation of sharply liquid sloshing when the tank truck is in braking. it is studying on the dynamics and control of liquid sloshing in the tank truck. Simulation results show that models carrying with wave cutter or not, different baffles or wave cutter and non-deceleration brake change for analytic method about liquid. The results show that the effect analysis of sloshing control with wave cutter is significantly obvious, the effect analysis of sloshing control with that different baffles or wave cutter is lower than apparent force changes, and the forces on the tank and response time change is different from between non-deceleration brake and deceleration brake.


Closed Containers Free Surface sloshing control VOF


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