  • 學位論文


The Convenient Store of Promoted Gift Characteristics Influence Repurchase Intention- Through Consumer Benefits and Satisfaction

指導教授 : 廖森貴


今日連鎖通路蓬勃發展的台灣,連鎖通路早已是行銷界的重要議題,以台灣為例台灣便利商店的密度早已是全球第一,更大幅超越人口密度相當高的日本,因此連鎖便利商店近年來在競爭激烈的生存戰中,如何以各式促銷手法與行銷手段爭取顧客再次上門是本研究的研究動機與目的,故本研究嘗試以便利商店促銷贈品、消費利益與顧客滿意度三項構面來探討消費者的再購買意願。更將促銷贈品與消費利益細分為數個子構面,並加以連結探討之。 綜合前述動機與背景,本研究將以促銷贈品的特性作為探討的主軸,解析瞭解廠商使用促銷贈品的特性對消費、消費利益與滿意度對再購買意願的影響,並期望在研究過程中提出合理性的研究架構,以進一步探討顧客滿意度與再購買意願的效果,並透過對促銷贈品的研究,找出影響消費者對於促銷贈品特性所認知的消費利益,此為本研究最主要之研究動機與欲達成之貢獻。 本研究採用驗證性的研究方式,進而發放400份之學術問卷,有效問卷為345份,在各項衡量指標達到標準之後,本研究遂採用LISREL8.72統計工具針對研究假設與因果模式等方面之進行實證分析與探討。 本研究結合多位國內外專家學者的論點,透過文獻的整理發展出ㄧ整合性的模式來進行研究,並以線性結構方程式(LISREL)為研究方法,將贈品特性(收藏價值、吸引力、有條件贈送與提及價值)設為前置變項,從心理層面的消費利益(價值傳達、探索與娛樂)與顧客滿意度為中介變項結合再購買意願依變項之行為來做探討,不僅在學術貢獻上創新、對於實務上應用也具重要的意義。


Convenient store Chain Stores had been vigorous developing in Taiwan, the chain already is the marketing important issue, Taiwan Convenient store Chain Stores had been density which be Champion in the world. Taiwan Convenient store Chain Stores density had been won Japan. Taiwan Convenient store Chain Stores competed activity in recent years, how various promotion activities and marketing method to repurchase intention which research motive and the goal, therefore research attempt gift characteristics, consumption values, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention to link discussion it. Research will gif characteristics take main discussion, the analysis understood which gift characteristics, consumption values and customer satisfaction influence repurchase intention. Expectation in the research process proposed rational research construction, further will discuss the customer satisfaction effect repurchase intention. Besides, gif characteristics affects consumption values, Main research motive to achieve the contribution. Research selects confirmation analysis. Total 400 questionnaires, effective total questionnaires have 345. This research combines of many domestic and international experts and scholar, develop a model on research. Research approach is LISREL. Independent variable is gift of characteristic (collectable gift, gift attractiveness, condition of gift and mention of the gift’s value). Mediating variable are consumers benefit (value expression, exploration and entertainment) and customer satisfaction. Dependent variable is repurchase intention.


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