  • 學位論文


On the Heat Resistance of FRP Jacket Shear Strengthened RC Beams by Geopolymer

指導教授 : 吳傳威


近年國內外傳統結構補強作業中,最常見的黏結補修材料為環氧樹脂。環氧樹脂優異的黏著性能早已受到證實,但其屬於有機物材料,不耐高溫之特性亦為眾所皆知。先前之系列相關研究已多方面探討了一種新開發之「無機聚合膠脂」材料取代環氧樹脂的可行性,包括混凝土圓柱試體與鋼筋混凝土矩形梁包覆CFRP及GFRP補強以及耐高溫研究,結果証實在補強方面確實有相當效果,而其耐高溫方面之性能則遠超過環氧樹脂。 本研究以前期相關研究的結果為基礎,採用「無機聚合膠脂」替代環氧樹脂作為膠結材料,將鋼筋混凝土梁包覆FRP剪力補強之耐高溫性能,作一完整之驗證及比較,以期達成更確定之結論。實驗參數包括七種溫度環境(常溫、100℃、250℃、400℃、600℃、710℃、900℃)、兩種試體強度、兩種FRP包覆材料(CFRP及GFRP)以及發泡無機聚合膠脂之試用。結果顯示,使用無機聚合膠脂包覆FRP之鋼筋混凝土梁,雖然在常溫下剪力補強效益低於環氧樹脂,但是在高溫狀態,使用無機聚合膠脂者皆尚能發揮一定程度之補強效益,完整地驗證了近年來相關研究之論述,因此在未來之相關試驗及實務應用方面應有其發展空間。


In the last few decades, the most common repair material used in the practical structural retrofit is epoxy. Its excellent adhesive effect has been confirmed, however, its poor heat resistant property is also well known. Preceding researches have studied the possibility of replacing epoxy by a newly developed inorganic material, namely geoplymer. A series of experiments, including the strengthening of concrete cylinders and RC beams covered by carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) and glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) using geopolymer, and followed by heating resistant experiments for the same. It was found that the strengthened effect was confirmed, while for the property of heat resistance, the performance of geopolymer was much better than that of epoxy. In the present work, A complete experiments and comparison study based on the former studies on the effect of shear strengthened RC beams with FRP jacket using geopolymer as bond material, as well as the property of heat resistance is attempted to accomplish the statement. The parameters of the experiments included seven different temperatures, i.e. room temperature, 100℃, 250℃, 400℃, 600℃ and 710℃, 900℃, two types of covered materials (CFRP/GFRP), and two different concrete strength(2000 and 4000 psi), and the trial application of geppolymer form. The results reveal that under room temperature, the overall shear strengthened effect of the RC beams is lower than those of using epoxy. However, in all cases the common requirements of shear strengthening are considerably fulfilled. On the other hand, it is worth noting that the strengthening effect still elaborated to certain grade under high-temperature for the cases of using geopolymer. The related research results in the recent years are then confirmed.


Shear strengthening High temperature Geopolymer CFRP GFRP


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