  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Brand Community on Purchase Intention and Loyalty -Brand Community Identification and perceived risk as the Mediator

指導教授 : 廖森貴


對於品牌公司來說,贊助品牌社群無疑是最好的宣傳方法;甚至非由公司贊助的品牌社群根本不需公司投入資源,而亦可藉由社群成員的口碑來宣傳產品、主動對其他社群成員提供知識及分享知識,使品牌歷史與文化在社群成員間流傳,並且更進一步增加顧客對公司及其產品的滿意度與忠誠度,幫助公司銷售成長與建立知名度(McAlexande, Schouten, Koening, 2002)。在國外早品牌社群早已盛行,如哈雷機車、蘋果電腦及福斯金龜車等。從典型的哈雷機車的例子可以知道,這些愛用者是品牌長期屹立不搖的關鍵因素之ㄧ。 資策會(MIC)分析師周文卿表示台灣網路購物正走向「群體智慧購物時代」。網路互動特性也形成一股新興趨勢,網友線上購物將透過社群推薦的評論,作為購買商品的主要參考依據,社群經驗會主導網友的購物決策。因此本研究以網路上自發性的資生堂品牌社群為研究對象,探討Muniz and O’Guinn(2001)及McAlexander, Schouten and Koenig(2002)提出「品牌社群關係」為基礎,探討品牌社群關係和購買意願及品牌忠誠的影響,再整合社群認同與知覺風險。本研究結果發現品牌社群關係會經由社群認同、知覺風險的中介對品牌忠誠度與消費者的購買意願有所影響。 本研究以網路虛擬美妝社群為研究對象,共回收317份有效樣本。並以LISREL進行實證分析,結果發現理論模式適配情形良好。具體而言,本研究發現之因果關係如下: 1.品牌社群關係對社群認同的影響:證實除品牌社群成員與品牌之關係,對社群認同沒有正向顯著影響外,其他三種關係愈良好,其社群認同也較佳。 2.品牌社群關係對知覺風險的影響:證實除品牌社群成員與其他社群成員之關係,對知覺風險沒有反向顯著影響外,其他三種關係愈良好,其消費者知覺較低之風險。 3.社群認同對知覺風險的影響:證實較高的社群認統,其知覺風險沒有顯著負相關。 4.社群認同對品牌忠誠度的影響:證實有良好之社群認同其品牌忠誠度會較高。 5.知覺風險對購買意願的影響:證實知覺風險愈低,消費者購買意願也較高。 6.品牌忠誠度對購買意願的影響:品牌忠誠度對購買意願有正向影響,品牌忠誠度愈高購買意願愈高。


For a brand-oriented company, sponsoring a brand community is undoubtedly the most effective marketing method. What prove to be even more effective, however, are the voluntary brand communities that require no company resources. In these voluntary brand communities, members advertise products through word-of-mouth and spread the history and culture of the brand through actively sharing knowledge. All these, in fact, contribute to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of a brand, which in terms accelerates sales and builds company reputation (McAlexande, Schouten, Koening, 2002). Brand communities, especially the voluntary kind, have always been popular outside of Taiwan, and the famous ones include the communities for Harley-Davidson motorcycles, Apple computers, and Volkswagen automobiles, of which the community for Harley-Davidson motorcycles is typical in that the community members is one of the key reason to its survival. Ms. Chou Wen-ching, a research specialist from the Market Intelligence Center (MIC) of the Institute for Information Industry (III), states that online shopping in Taiwan is heading to an “Era of Collective Intelligence Shopping,” in which interaction through the Web is the trend, and comments and recommendations from fellow online shoppers serve as the key to a purchase decision. In other words, the collective experience of a community guides the purchase decision. Based on the Brand Community Relationship theory by Muniz and O’Guinn (2001) and McAlexander, Schouten, and Koening (2002), this paper, as a result, explores how Brand Community Relationship influences purchase intention and brand loyalty, drawing examples from an online voluntary brand community for Shisedo, and then integrates the findings with theory of identity of community and of perceived risk.


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