  • 學位論文


The Research of Household Purchasing-house Preference to Different Household Income and Household Population-Example of Taipei City and Taipei County

指導教授 : 林正平


隨著所得的提昇,住宅品質亦隨之升高,過去國民所得水準偏低,人們對於住宅的需求只能關注到基本之生活條件,無法奢求更高的品質層面。在經濟起飛與豐衣足食之現今社會中,住宅品質越來越受到重視。換言之,住宅需求已從「量」之需要轉變為對「質」的要求,而「質」的要求則必須配合家庭購屋偏好之選擇,透過文獻回顧瞭解家庭購屋偏好隨著時代的進步,種類樣式越來越多,相對在購屋的選擇上亦會越來越複雜。 隨著社會多元化發展與國家整體經濟成長,住宅事務涉及的範圍越來越廣泛,住宅政策從早期「住者有其屋」演變為「住者適其屋」之政策目標,為了瞭解不同的家庭對於家庭購屋偏好之需求,但目前還處於一個概念階段,因此,本研究透過相關文獻之探討,歸納及統計影響購屋者購屋之決策因子有家庭人數、家庭所得及家庭購屋偏好等三項,進而探討不同的家庭所得及家庭人數對於家庭購屋偏好之重視項目,提供不同的家庭所得及家庭人數之適宜住宅,供政府部門作為住者適其屋政策上之參考。本研究方法為問卷調查法,利用SPSS軟體工具,透過統計學之多因子變異數分析及事後比較,進而瞭解不同的家庭所得與家庭人數對於標準家庭在購屋偏好上之相對差異。


As the income is rising, the quality of house is also rising. In the past, the national income level was low. The demands for the house of people can only pay attention to the basic side. In the economic take-off and affluent society, the quality of house is more important. In other words, the demand of house has already been changed from the need of quantity into the demand for the quality. Furthermore, the demand of quality must cooperate to the household purchasing-house preference. According to the literature review, household purchasing-house preference has a wide choice and it will also be more complicated with progress of the times. With the social development and economy growth, the house affairs are more widespread. The house policy developed from the liver own his/her house evolved into liver suit his/her house. In order to understand the need of different household purchasing-house preference, this research through literature review generalized that influenced decision factors of buyer purchasing-house include household population, household income and household purchasing-house preference. Then, discuss on different household income and household population for household purchasing-house preference critical items which is recommended to be used as a basic of liver suit his house policy. This research use of questionnaire inquiry method and the tool is SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science), using the method of statistics (multivariate analysis of variance and posteriori comparisons) check the reliability of total data. Then, understand the relative variability between standard household purchasing-house preference and different household income and household population.


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