  • 學位論文


A quintic feedrate function for S-curve acceleration/deceleration tool control in CNC machining

指導教授 : 葉賜旭




A quintic feedrate function for achieving S-curve acceleration and deceleration (ACC/DEC) in computer numerical control (CNC) machining is developed and demon-strated through experiments using a biaxial planar motion system to provide the neces-sary motion control given limited inputs of feedrate, feed acceleration, and feed jerk. Smoother feed motions such as S-curve ACC/DEC has become important in CNC ma-chining to shorten machining time, maintain machining quality and prolong the life of cutting tools. The kinematic characteristics of the proposed quintic feedrate function for S-curve ACC/DEC control are analyzed in detail, and a systematic scheme for deter-mining the ACC/DEC time by referring to the inputs of feedrate difference, feed acce-leration, and feed jerk constrains is presented. The results of experiments using the con-trol algorithm demonstrate the feasibility of the approach for improving the smoothness of cutting tool motion in practical CNC machining.


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