  • 學位論文


Design of Optimal Writing Strategy for CD-RW

指導教授 : 姚立德


光碟燒錄機是目前電腦的基本儲存資料配備,由於攜帶方便且價格便宜,所以人們對於用光碟備份資料的依賴度很高。而在燒錄過程中需同時兼顧光碟機性能、光碟片物理特性與抹寫速度等因素。光碟燒錄機之寫入伺服控制系統(writing servo control system),對於讀寫頭雷射光燒錄的程序及功率大小有精密的寫入策略,寫入策略針對不同光碟機倍數及不同位元燒錄長度均有不同控制參數,而在複寫片方面,因為物理特性造成即使同一組參數,在第一次燒錄、第二次燒錄以及第三次燒錄以上,其狀況皆不同。因此需要調整的參數眾多且互為相關,在CD-RW 16倍速以上,由於參數調整不易,因本文提出三階段的參數最佳化,有別於CD-RW 12倍以下。目前業界多以人工調整,不但耗時耗力且調整結果未必為最佳組合。本文以基因法則為基礎,結合光碟機之電腦IDE界面控制,設計自動搜尋寫入策略參數之機制,一方面節省寫入策略之開發人力,另一方面搜尋之寫入策略可最佳化,提高CD-R及CD-RW寫入伺服控制系統之效能。


CD-RW play a important role in current device of the data storage. Because it is cheap and convenient, people often use to store data and media file, like MP3 and VCD. In the writing servo control system, pickup head’s laser writing process as well as writing power are both finetuned. Writing strategy specifies different control parameters for different bit length and different spindle speed. Even the same parameters, because of physics characteristic, CD-RW disk has different state in first, second and third above writing. There are numerous parameters which are correlated to be tuned in the writing strategy. It is not only laborious and time consuming but also inaccurate to tune these parameters by brute force although it is currently the tuning method utilized in the industry. In this paper, the genetic algorithm associated with computer’s IDE peripheral control schemes for optical disc drive are proposed to automatically search for the optimal writing parameters for CD-R and CD-RW. With the proposed mechanism, the developing manpower for writing strategy can be greatly saved. Moreover, the designed writing strategy is optimized so that the effectiveness of writing servo control system can be greatly improved. It’s hard to fine the optimal parameter in CD-RW 16 above, so we design three stage to overcome the condition.


1. Sony Corp., N.V. Philips, Compact Disc Digital Audio System Description, 1982.
2. Sony Corp., N.V. Philips, Recordable Compact Disc Systems Part II Description, Version 2.0, January 1994.
3. Sony Corp., N.V. Philips, Recordable Compact Disc System Part III Description, Version 0.8, September 1995.
5. ISO/IEC Copyright Office, ISO/IEC 10149, 1989.
6. H. Iwasaki, “CD-rewritable and future disc technology ,” ODS. Conference Digest, pp. 9-10, April 1997.
