  • 學位論文


Visually-Impaired Students’ Perception of Learning Space

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


近來教育學界以「回歸主流」及「環境教育」的觀點下,討論社區為視障學生的學習空間一部份。本研究文是嘗試整合環境心理學、建築學及特殊教育學三者之關係,並以「環境空間認知」的角度切入,探討視障學生對社區環境的認知過程,及視障學生的空間感知元素與一般人的視覺的空間感知之差異。 本研就研究方法為文獻回顧、行為觀察及深入訪談,藉由長期視障學生的行為觀察,以及師生的深入訪談中,瞭解視障學生對社區環境的認知,歸納他們對環境的認知與涵構,並提出在社會環境造成對視障學生學習的障礙點及有助益的學習元素。本研究之目的為:一、建構視障學生對社區認知的詮釋;二、探討社區作為視障學生的學習空間;三、探討視障學生的學習空間延伸過程探;四、探討非視覺經驗下的空間感知元素。 在回歸主流的思潮下,集中式教育的視障學生與社區的銜接關係,是透過視障學生的定向行動課程及其他課程來學習社區環境的樣貌,並且拓展視障學生的生活空間,本研究結論如下: 一、視障學生的空間感知元素可分為定向點、方向、路徑、場所表情、區塊及參考點等六個感知元素。其中定向點及參考點為視障學生重要的感知元素,使視障學生在環境活動下掌握方向感及立足點。 二、視障學生「學習空間」的延伸,是由「自我與代表自我本體的物」、「教室」、「校園」延伸至「社區」四個層次,做為視障學生之學習環境。 三、社區做為學習空間的重要前提為軟硬體設施的整合,硬體是指環境規劃而軟體則是人文素養,在兩者兼具下,視障學生的「社區學習空間」才能健全完備。學習空間的軟硬體之整合。


In recent years, education researchers began to see community as part of the learning space of visually-impaired students from the perspective of “returning to the mainstream” and “environmental education.” This paper attempts to integrate environmental psychology, architecture and special education. From the angle of “environmental space cognition” it explores the process by which visually-impaired students get to know their community environment, as well as the difference between space perception elements of visually-impaired students and visual space perception of normal people. Research methods of this study include literature review, behavior observation and in-depth interview. Through long-term observation of the behavior of visually-impaired students and in-depth interviews with teachers and students, the author probes the way visually-impaired students recognize their community environment, examines their recognition and construct of the environment and identifies social/environmental elements that hinder visually-impaired students’ learning, as well elements that help them learn. The purpose of this study is: 1.To construct an interpretation of visually-impaired students’ community recognition; 2.To explore the community as the learning space for visually-impaired students; 3.To probe the safe space and potentially dangerous factors of the community environment. Under the trend of “returning to the mainstream,” connection between visually-impaired students in the concentrated education system and their community is that through the oriented movement program and other courses visually-impaired students learn about the features of the community environment and expand the scope of their lives. Conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.Visually-impaired students’ space perception includes 6 sensing elements: orientation point, direction, path, facility expression, block and reference point. The orientation point and reference point are important sensing elements of visually-impaired students helping them grasp their direction and standing point in environmental activities. 2.Extension of visually-impaired students’ “learning space” involves 4 levels, from “self and objects that represent self,” “classroom,” and “campus” to “community” as their learning environment. 3.An important prerequisite for the community to serve as learning space is integration and the software and hardware facilities. The hardware refers to environmental planning, and the software refers to understanding of humanities. It takes the presence of both to perfect visually-impaired students’ “community learning space” with both the software and hardware of the learning space integrated.


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