  • 學位論文


A Study of the temporary bridge for emergency relief with FRP Components

指導教授 : 李有豐


本論文係將纖維強化高分子(Fiber Reinforced Plastic, FRP)複合材料構件應用於緊急救災便橋,並依選址後之現地需求,進行FRP緊急救災人行便橋及FRP緊急救災車行便橋之評估與設計。藉由收集既有臨時救災便橋之資料,探討救災便橋之優缺點,並提出質量輕、強度高、耐候性佳且容易存放的FRP型式之緊急救災便橋。本論文所提出之緊急救災便橋,分別為人行便橋及車行便橋兩種,FRP緊急救災人行便橋係吊橋形式,分別由鋼纜、FRP橋面版、FRP棒及FRP構架組合而成。利用結構分析軟體SAP2000進行數值模擬,數值模型確認無誤後,則進行數種不同型式的力量加載,以模擬真實載重。將各型式數值模擬結果進行評估,並提出最佳型式之FRP緊急救災人行便橋。FRP救災車行便橋主要以FRP梁-版系統為上部結構,進行不同跨距的數值模擬。藉由現行公路橋梁設計規範進行設計。期望規劃出模組化之緊急救災車行便橋供緊急災害救助時使用。


This study presents Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) composite components used in temporary bridge for emergency relief. There are some advantages of FRP, including light weight, high strength, weather resistance and easy storage, making FRP suitable for temporary bridge. There are two types of FRP temporary bridge in this study. First type is pedestrian bridge. Second type is vehicular bridge. The pedestrian bridge is suspension bridge made by the cable, FRP deck, FRP bar and FRP frame. Use SAP2000 to establish the numerical model. Load several different types of loads to simulate the real load and check the safety factor. Finally, make the FRP suspension bridge. The vehicular bridge use FRP beam-deck system as superstructure. Use SAP2000 to establish the numerical model. Establish the numerical model of different spans. The type of the load is according to the design of bridge code. Then check the safety factor. Finally, make the best type of FRP vehicular bridge.


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