  • 學位論文


A Study on the 3-Point Bending Test and Mechanical Behavior of the Hybrid FRP Beam

指導教授 : 李有豐


本研究針對既有玻璃纖維強化高分子(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic, GFRP)複合材料之高抗拉強度及低彈性模數等特性進行探討,因低彈性模數容易造成梁構件撓度過大的問題。為改變雙層腹版梁(Double Web Beam, DWB)構件之破壞模式,使力量能傳遞至拉力側,於構件內部填充環氧樹脂砂漿,並於梁構件外側貼覆90°方向之不同種類纖維貼片,包括玄武岩纖維(Basalt Fiber)、碳纖維(Carbon Fiber)及混編纖維(Hybrid Fiber),希望成為拉力側破壞。改善既有梁構件破壞模式之前,需先瞭解不同FRP 材料及環氧樹脂砂漿之特性,FRP 之相關物理性質由材料商提供,環氧樹脂砂漿可藉由抗壓試驗得知。後續進行六組纖維複合梁試體之三點抗彎實驗,藉由各組試體實驗所得之極限載重、勁度、破壞模式等,與標準組相互比較,可知DWB 構件內部填充環氧樹脂砂漿之平均強度及勁度提升許多。於外部貼覆90°方向之纖維貼片後,強度提升且破壞模式改為拉力側破壞。最後將DWB 構件以數值分析軟體ANSYS 進行分析,將分析及實驗結果進行比較,進而修正並提出一FRP 纖維複合梁之分析模型。


This study presents the mechanical behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced plastic (HFRP) composite beam. There are two methods to increase the stiffness of pultruded glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) beam and change the failure mode. First method is the GFRP beam filled with epoxy mortar. Second method is the GFRP beam wrapping different fiber sheet consisting of carbon fiber, basalt fiber and hybrid fiber. A series of beam tests will conduct under 3-point bending test to know the force-displacement relationship, stiffness, failure strength and failure mode of the GFRP beam. The Timoshenko beam theory and the finite element method were applied to analyze the profiles, using material properties estimated. Finally compare the experimental result, numerical and analytic result. Both results show the stiffness of GFRP beam filled with epoxy mortar is twice larger than GFRP beam, and the HFRP composite beam displays excellent strength.


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