  • 學位論文


Investigation on Reuse and Management for Acid Liquid Wastes in Taiwan

指導教授 : 章裕民


隨著台灣經濟的發展,事業廢棄物的產生量亦有逐漸增加的趨勢,而我國天然資源缺乏,因此將廢棄物經過再利用處理後成為有效資源善加利用,變成了現今達到環保與經濟並顧的ㄧ大課題。本研究之主要目的為針對我國事業廢棄物中可回收再利用之廢酸液,包含公告再利用之廢酸性蝕刻液(R-2501)與廢酸洗液(R-2502)及經機構提出許可再利用通過之鋼鐵工業鋼材加工之廢酸液(A-7201)及廢液pH值小(等)於2.0(C-0202)等4項,各別做再利用現況的調查及分析,並探討其可行的管制查核方式,以期作為將來廢酸液回收再利用及管制的參考工具。 本研究利用96年度「事業廢棄物查核輔導及管理技術整合應用專案工作計畫」中的再利用單位之網路申報量及現場調查資料,利用整體質量平衡法(Overall Mass Balance)之基礎理論推估關於廢酸液再利用製程中的再利用效率。然而,再利用製程中,所有廢棄物不會完全被製成再利用產品,最終仍會有延伸廢棄物的產生。 根據本研究的調查資料結果發現,廢酸性蝕刻液所製成產品之氯化鋁之再利用率約在37.4∼73.6%之間;產品氯化鐵之再利用率約在35.8∼80.7%之間;產品銅粉之再利用率約在13.4∼28.7%之間。而製成再生蝕刻液之再利用率約在8.1∼20.0%之間;製成硫酸銅之再利用率約在44.6∼60.2%之間。就整體而言,依本項R-2501之國內相關再利用機構回收情形可知,其再利用率幾乎可達90%以上。而利用廢酸洗液回收作為氯化鐵之再利用率93.9∼98.9%。利用鋼鐵工業鋼材加工之廢酸液與產品鹽酸之再利用率為55.1%。利用廢棄物廢液pH值小(等)於2.0回收作為磷酸等產品,其再利用率約為82.5∼99.2%。


廢酸液 再利用 管制查核


Because the economy is rapidly growing in Taiwan, the amount of industrial waste is also gradually increasing. However, due to lack of natural resources it is important that Taiwanese industries find an alternative way to save costs. In addition, the idea of reusing waste appears to be an appropriate and effective resolution in both ways: environmentally friendly and economically efficient. The purpose of this study focuses on acid liquid waste in Taiwan, and there are four main categories. These categories are (1)waste of acid etching liquid (R-2501) , (2)spent pick liquid (R-2502) , (3)spent acid pickle liquor of iron steel industries (A-7201) ,and (4)waste liquid pH≦2.0 (C-0202).These four types of waste are individually discussed and analyzed in terms of reuse status, reuse supervision and reuse management. The data source is based on online applications of industrial reuse and evaluation reports. They come from 2007, Project of Providing Consultation with the Evaluation on Waste Management of Enterprise and Designing Integral Information System for the purpose of Upgrading Inspective technique on Waste Management. In order to estimate the efficiency of reuse the acid liquid waste, The Theory of Overall Mass Balance is applied. Yet, in the process of reuse the acid liquid waste, there still some wastes left behind, which cannot be fully recycled. In another words, the process creates waste, again. According to the final data analysis, the study shows that, the aluminum chloride made from waste of acid etching liquid is between 37.4∼73.6%; the iron chloride made from waste of acid etching liquid is between 35.8∼80.7%; the copper powder made from waste of acid etching liquid is between 13.4∼28.7%; the acid etching liquid made from waste of acid etching liquid is between 8.1∼20.0%; the copper sulfate made from waste of acid etching liquid is between 44.6∼60.2%. On the whole, the efficiency of reuse waste of acid etching liquid in Taiwan is almost over 90%. And the iron chloride made from spent pick liquid is between 93.9∼98.9%. The chloric acid made from spent acid pickle liquor of iron steel industry is 55.1%. The phosphoric acid made from waste liquid pH≦2.0 is 82.5∼99.2%. The results of this study will hopefully be considered as a useful reference for future industrial reuse and management of acid liquid wastes.


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