  • 學位論文


Relationships among Pain , Uncertainty , and levels of

指導教授 : 林佳靜


疼痛為影響肺癌病患身心層面的主要問題之一,目前國內對於肺癌疼痛問題造成的疾病不確定感與希望狀態之相關議題的探討較有限。故本研究旨在探討肺癌病患之疼痛、不確定感和希望狀態三個變項的相關性。研究採橫斷式相關設計,以肺癌病患為對象,採取方便取樣的方式於台北市三所醫學中心之胸腔內科及血液腫瘤科病房進行資料收集。研究工具包括簡明疼痛量表、Mishel疾病不確定感量表、赫氏希望量表。所收集的資料以描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關及複迴歸等統計方式進行資料處理,並加以分析。本研究共訪得164位個案,有及無癌痛組各為79及85位,結果顯示: (1)兩組間在不確定感與希望狀態部份皆有顯著差異,癌痛組之不確定感平均得分高於無癌痛組,希望平均得分則低於無痛組。(2)不確定感與疼痛強度間無相關,但與疼痛對生活影響程度間則成正相關。(3)疼痛強度及疼痛對生活影響程度分別與希望狀態成負相關。(4)不確定感比疼痛程度更能預測希望狀態。 本研究結果有助於護理人員瞭解肺癌病患之疼痛、不確定感和希望狀態間之相關性,根據本研究結果建議,降低肺癌病患之不確定感可以提昇其希望程度,進而提昇生活品質。此外,研究結果亦建議,未來研究方向,及提供護理實務和護理教育之參考。


肺癌 疼痛 不確定感 希望狀態


The impact of cancer pain on lung cancer patient’s quality of life is obvious. However, in Taiwan, there are limited studies examining the relationships among lung cancer pain, uncertainty and levels of hope. The purpose of this study was to explore relationships among pain, uncertainty, and levels of hope in lung cancer patients. A cross-sectional correlational design was used in this study. Lung cancer patients were recruited by convenience sampling from chest medicine and oncology inpatient wards in three teaching hospitals in Taipei. The research instruments include Brief Pain Inventory(BPI), Mishel’s Uncertainty Illness Scale (MUIS), and Herth Hope Index (HHI). Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, pearson correlation, and multiple regression. One hundreds and sixty four subjects were recruited which includes 79 patients with pain and 85 patients without pain. The major findings of this study are as follows:(1) There were significant differences in uncertainty and hope in patients with or without cancer pain, cancer pain patients with higher average uncertainty and lower average hope than without cancer pain patients. (2) Pain intensity were not significantly related to uncertainty , and pain interferes were positively correlated with uncertainty. (3) Pain intensity and pain interferes were negatively correlated with levels of hope. (4) uncertainty were the best predictor of patient’s of hope . The finding of this study will assist nurses with understanding relationships among lung cancer pain, uncertainty and levels of hope. Suggestions health care professionals may need to reduce uncertainty in lung cancer patients to enhance patients’ level of hope. Important implications for nursing practice, nursing education, as well as directions for future studies were discussed in this study.


lung cancer pain uncertainty hope


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