  • 學位論文


The Research for Community-Based Telecare Services Model

指導教授 : 劉立


因醫療與科技進步,人類的壽命也因而延長,根據內政部統計資料顯示,我國於民國82年65歲以上老人人口數佔全國人口數為7.10%,即已成為[老人國] ,到民國96年底老年人人口成長比率已達10.20% ,故衍生出老年人口因老化而產生照顧需求增加。由於社政與衛政所提供老人照顧,各自有其法規標準、個案評估與轉介機制等不同作業標準之問題,故導致服務無法整合,因而形成社區照顧服務的缺口。本研究希望達到:(1)照護服務能達到可近性與連續性(2)照護服務品質具可靠性與完整性(3) 照護服務具多元化等三個目的。 從文獻探討中,目前國內社區照顧多為人工作業,另外在遠距照護仍是以生理數值監測和行動監測兩種為主的服務應用,較缺乏以個人為照顧核心,提供整體性和持續性的照顧訴求,故本研究欲建構出一個整合社區照顧和遠距照護服務的「社區式遠距照護服務模式」。本研究對象,選定扶老比和老化指數高於台北市全區的大安區群英里成功社區,作為本研究的實驗社區。透過文獻探討之照護需求與針對社區內65歲以上老人或身心障礙者,符合本研究設定的收案標準者之需求確立,作為本研究「服務模式設計」之對象。由於本研究研擬的模式乃是新興的模式,尚未有標準的模式或教材可供其評估模式是否照護需求,故透過專家座談會專家的建議和初步個案需求訪談,進行服務模式修正成為符合社區式遠距照護的服務模式。爾後進行服務模式導入,並以個案訪談方式來作滿意度的問卷調查,問卷包含服務便利性、服務使用率、服務接受度、可負擔性,作為服務模式之成效評估的結果。 由本研究評估結果得知,社區中成立此「社區健康便利站」所提供的照護服務,已為社區民眾帶來便利性與身心靈上的信任感以及安全感。會員也願意付費接受健康便利站的照護服務。為了未來可成功複製擴散至各城市鄉鎮之社區,本研究提供複製擴散的建議與經營策略供其參考,希望能夠讓社區中需要照護的對象,能夠獲得更好並具全方位的社區式照護服務,以落實「在地老化」的目標。


Human Being's life keep get extension because of both medical and science progress . According to the statistical data from ministry of the interior , the amount whose age is older than 65 is 1,490,801 and that means it has 7.10% population share in 1993 . This amount grow up to 2,312,359 in 2007 ; that means the aged population growth rate has become to 10.20% and cause the care needs keep increasing . At the aged people care services,Society and Hygiene are belong to two different administration department ; therefore each of them has their own rules and standards , so it cause these two administration department can’t be integrated and cause the gap of community care services. This study wish can accomplish below target : (1) the friendly and continuity of care services (2) the reliability and completeness of care services quality (3) diversity care services quality . Now most of the domestic community services are rely on manpower , and the long distance care service is focus on physiology and moving monitoring . It lacks the long term care concept which can provide integrity and continuously care services . So this study wish can build up a long distance care service model which integrate with community care and long distance care services . This research object is directed against to those aged people who are elder than 65 years old or physical and psychological obstacle people in the community as the object of this service model design research . Because this model we research is a new type so there is not standard model or teaching material can be used to evaluate if it can meet care service request . So we reference the specialist suggestion and real case interview to modify service model to meet community long distance care service request . Then we transmit the service model and use case interview as the satisfy survey method . This survey include service convenience , service utilization , service acceptance status , affordable status , to evaluate this service model . According to this evaluate research result , build up the community health care station and provide care services have brought the trust and safety to those people who live in this community . And the member also would like to pay for the care service from health care station . For successful replicate this model to other country , this research can provide the replicate suggestion and operation strategy for their reference . Wish can make those object who need care service can get better and omnibearing community care services.




